25 July 2016

Sheriff: Navy seaman accused of robbing, stabbing transgender woman

Justin Mitchell and Margaret Baker

Credit:  http://www.sunherald.com/news/local/h3e3xr/picture91634137/ALTERNATES/FREE_640/Dee%20Whigham%20at%20work

please press:  http://www.sunherald.com

ezs note:  This just happened a few minutes later in the case of Dee Whigham.  Good work, Jackson County sheriffs!  By the way,  the case is ongoing, so keep a sharp eye out for the person of interest.  Once again, let the police handle it.

Family confirms St. Martin homicide victim was a transgender woman


Dee Whigham

Credit:  http://www.sunherald.com/news/local/4e920f/picture91632377/ALTERNATES/FREE_320/FB%20dee%201

please press:  http://www.fox10tv.com

ezs note:  If you see the person pictured in the photo, DO NOT approach him - let the police do their job.  They can be reached at 228-209-8124 or 228-769-3063.  Thanks.

Rest in peace, Dee.

Wall of Love to block Westboro’s hate at Philly anti-trans protest

Erin Rook
LGBTQ Nation

Credit:  http://www.galo.com/files/cache/5e1f5199cf880ba2f020128872947656.jpg

Transgender woman tapped as Democratic convention’s official timekeeper

Joey Garrison
Knoxville News Sentinel

Credit:  https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/cartoon-alarm-clock-28115617.jpg

please press:  http://www.knoxnews.com