15 August 2014

Welcoming First Trans Man To U.S. House of Reps

AJ Trager

to read more, go to:  http://www.pridesource.com/article.html?article=67545

Oregon adds transgender procedures to Oregon Health Plan

Dana Tims

to read more, go to:  http://www.oregonlive.com/politics/index.ssf/2014/08/oregon_adds_transgender_proced.html

Knowing signs of mental illness helps prevent suicides

LGBT short play show returns to Lauderdale

US: Memorial to be held for murdered Baltimore trans woman (UK)

Nick Duffy

to read more, go to  http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2014/08/15/us-memorial-to-be-held-for-murdered-baltimore-trans-woman/

ezs note: Sadly, neither the cases of Mia Henderson nor Kandy Hall have any leads yet.  If you have any information about either of these cases, contact the Baltimore police immediately!!!