24 January 2018

Uganda's President says he loves Donald Trump because he's frank about Africa

Faith Karimi, Briana Duggan

The Two Stooges

Credit:  http://www.monitor.co.ug/image/view/-/3446690/highRes/1483751/-/maxw/600/-/ngji1xz/-/latest001+pix.jpg

please press:  www.cnn.com

Kuwait - Kuwait: Reform Laws that Restrict Free Speech Rights

Human Rights Watch

scene in Kuwait

Credit:  https://cdn.forbesmiddleeast.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/06/shutterstock_247468207.jpg

please press:  www.hrw.org

Dallas County Sued After Jailing Trans Woman In Solitary For Days Over Misdemeanor Arrest

Nick Wing

Credit:  https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/styles/blog_main_wide_580x384/public/field_image/web15-blog-justice-solitary-1160x768.jpg?itok=xwHrLJSe

please press:  www.huffingtonpost.com

More LGBTQ Texans than ever are running for office, magazine says

Rishika Dugyala
The Texas Tribune

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/35/Texas_flag_map.svg/2000px-Texas_flag_map.svg.png

please press:  www.texastribune.org

ezs note:  Texans - if you live where one of the LGBTQ candidates are running, and you agree with the majority of issues that they are running on, do yourself a favor and make a donation early.  Even a five or ten can make a difference.  Thanks. 

Yance Ford is first transgender director to earn Oscar nomination

Nicole Bitette
Daily News

Yance Ford

Credit:  https://peopledotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/08/yance-ford.jpg?w=2000

please press:  www.nydailynews.com