18 November 2017

Sexual Misconduct Allegations Are Toppling Powerful Men. Why Not Donald Trump?

Nancy Benac, Calvin Woodward

Credit:  https://s3.amazonaws.com/lowres.cartoonstock.com/none-donald_trump-gop-republicans-presidential_candidates-hillary_clinton-jran365_low.jpg

please press:  time.com

ezs note:  Let's not forget that Donald Trump fondled, groped or outright raped 12 - 12 - 12 women.

That we know about. 

El Salvador - How Two Trans Salvadoran Migrants Found Peace in Tijuana

Amanda Ottaway, Meghan Dhaliwal, Gabriela Martinez

Credit:  https://mipatria.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/mapa-el-salvador-con-departamentos1.jpg

please press:  www.vice.com

A new high in gay politics: Palm Springs will usher in an entirely LGBTQ city council

Javier Panzar
La Crosse Tribune

Credit:  https://news.berkeley.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/lgbtq-pride-graphic-750.jpg

please press:  lacrossetribune.com

Jacksonville’s Youth Crisis Center to add area’s first LGBTQ emergency shelter

Beth Resse Cravey

Credit:  https://images1.apartments.com/i2/DqLwNxyBCmgiIG7aBBuNUHowrDmBBwoeKmEjMLLmKnk/110/downtown-jacksonville-jacksonville-fl-foto-del-barrio.jpg

please press:  jacksonville.com

Methodist Church appoints first transgender minister (UK)

Olivia Rudgard
The Telegraph

Credit:  https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71WAKTSufUL._SY355_.jpg

please press:  www.telegraph.co.uk

Tallmadge, Ohio

estimated transgender population: 102*
(rounded up)

Credit:  https://tallmadge-ohio.org/ImageRepository/Path?filePath=%2Fdocuments%5CIntranet%5C24%2FOld+Town+Hall.jpg

ezs note:  The unique spoke design is quite remarkable, so come on over to Tallmadge, Ohio to see the view!