02 February 2022

Iowa - Salmon’s Transphobic Bills Could Have Unintended Consequences

Nikoel Hytrek

Iowa Starting Line

Janesville, IA

please press:  iowastartingline.com

ezs note:  With all due respect to the Iowa Starting Line, I think Salmon knows exactly what she's doing.  Which is why if the good people of Janesville have any sense, they'll put Salmon out on her ear come Election Day.

lead story - Trump promises to ban transgender women from sports if re-elected

Jo Yurcaba 

NBC News

A perfect definition:  Donald J. Trump

please press:  www.nbcnews.com

Jeff Zucker - CNN President Jeff Zucker resigns over consensual relationship with key lieutenant

Brian Stelter, Oliver Darcy


Jeff Zucker

please press:  www.cnn.com