04 June 2016

Sorry, Conservatives, but Obama's Guidance on Transgender Students Is Based on 2 Decades of Case Law

Brynn Tannehill
The New Civil Rights Movement

Credit:  http://rwwcomplaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Case-Law-Updates.jpg

A historic transgender change in Sask. (Canada)

Theresa Simon
Moose Jaw Times Herald


please press:  http://www.mjtimes.sk.ca

ezs note:  As much as we tend our focus on New York City, Los Angeles, Toronto or Montreal, this is NOT where all the action is!  Sometimes little Kelliher (pop. 368) does the trick!  No matter where you live, you can make the difference - if you've got the guts to say your peace.

Pembroke graduate takes shot at Donald Trump, calls for transgender rights

Patrick Ronan
Wicked Local Pembroke

Credit:  http://images.dailykos.com/images/215652/story_image/trump-gop.jpg?1456530881

Transgender Oscar Smith High student wants Chesapeake schools to change policies

Mike Connors
The Virginian-Pilot

Credit:  https://thematking.com/business_industry/industrial/logomats/vinyl-link/images/schools/oscarfsmith.jpg

please press:  http://pilotonline.com

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Giant_spider_strikes_again!.jpg