28 March 2019

Donald Trump - Why Trump Wants to Go to the Moon So Badly

Marina Koren
The Atlantic

ezs note:  Sure Donald, we'll provide you with a ticket to the Moon...
(one way only)

Credit:  https://gallery.yopriceville.com/var/albums/Free-Clipart-Pictures/Sun-and-Moon-PNG/Cartoon_Moon_with_Stars_PNG_Clip_Art_Image.png?m=1506912902

please press:  www.theatlantic.com

UK - UK To Open Separate Jail For Transgenders After Several Cases Of Attack By Inmates

Kriti Gupta

Banstead, UK
(future home of HMP Downview)

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/39/Map_of_Banstead_1841_Lambert.png

please press:  www.indiatimes.com

civil rights - In Congress, a Task Force for Trans Equality Is Mobilizing Against Trump

Diana Tourjée

New Bedford, MA

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Clasky_Common_Park_panorama%2C_New_Bedford%2C_Massachusetts.jpg

please press:  broadly.vice.com

Delaware - Video shows women harassing Delaware transgender activist Sarah McBride at a meeting in D.C.

Jessica Bies
delaware online

Dover, DE

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1b/Delaware_State_Capitol.jpg

please press:  www.delawareonline.com

lead story - House votes to condemn Trump's transgender military ban

Juliegrace Brufke, Rebecca Kheel
The Hill

House of Representatives (interior)

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/United_States_House_of_Representatives_chamber.jpg

please press:  thehill.com

another thought...

Credit:  https://i1.wp.com/whistlestop.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/woman-thinking-thought-bubble-business-cartoons-vectors_zJGAU1___L.jpg?ssl=1

ezs note:  If you wish to see my other thoughts, go to long strange journey.