21 September 2015

Vatican 'angered by transgender White House guest list'

Nick Allen and Nick Squires
The Telegraph

Credit:  http://www.davegranlund.com/cartoons/wp-content/uploads/Pope-gays.jpg

ezs note:  Oh, puh-leeezse!  Pope Frank, if you're gonna turn all purple n' shit over who makes the the guest list, remember, you don't have to go to the White House.  In fact, you don't have to come to the United States.  The door's that way.

Transgender Waitress Tells the Life-Changing Story Behind Her Viral Facebook Post

Lane Moore

Credit:  http://a.abcnews.com/images/WhatWouldYouDo/abc_wwyd_3_120504_wg.jpg

Duke opens center for transgender adolescents

Mary Katherine Wildman
The News & Observer

Duke University

Credit:  https://blogs.library.duke.edu/magazine/files/2010/12/gateway.jpg

Lib Dems move to tackle transgender discrimination (UK)

Frances Perraudin
The Guardian

Credit: http://www.knowsleysouthlibdems.co.uk/logogb265.gif