08 July 2019

Donald Trump - Congressional Democrats subpoena Trump organization

Katelyn Polantz, Jeremy Herb

please press:  www.cnn.com

Mexico - A Mexico City queer bar resists attacks with love and cumbia

Kate Linthicum
Los Angeles Times


Mexico City, Mexico

please press:  www.latimes.com

civil rights - Dozens back trans woman's legal case

Melissa Nann Burke
Detroit News

US Supreme Court, bronze doors

please press:  www.detroitnews.com 

Virginia - Equality Virginia to host conference for transgender Virginians, allies

Augusta Free Press

University of Virginia
Richmond, VA

 please press:  augustafreepress.com

lead story - How ‘Euphoria’ and Model Hunter Schafer Created the Most Interesting Trans Character on TV

Samantha Allen
Daily Beast


please press:  www.thedailybeast.com