21 February 2016

The first day of her real life

Al Sullivan / asullivan@hudsonreporter.com
Hudson Reporter

Credit:  https://1cdn.cbhomes.com/s3/mediasvc-prd/offices/1204ac7f15e0f990-642.jpg?preset=olarge

Tokyo cops conclude dogs mauled transgender man’s face after suicide (Japan)

The Tokyo Reporter


Tokyo, Japan

Credit:  http://www.blamethemonkey.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Elia-Locardi-Along-The-Meguro-River-Tokyo-Japan-900.jpg

ezs note:  Suicide among transgender people isn't just common in the US - it's worldwide!  In Japan, you can find help through Befrienders International at the following locations:  Aichi, Kumano, Miyazaki, Iwate, Osaka, or Tokyo.  (all times are Japan Standard Time)  Thanks.

Hard-liners inspect transgender Islamic school in Indonesia (Singapore)


Credit:  http://c8.alamy.com/comp/C9W8PC/epa03113982-a-palestinian-hamas-security-stand-in-front-of-a-poster-C9W8PC.jpg

please press:  http://news.asiaone.com

Black Market Hormones a Hurdle for Thai Transgender People (Cambodia)

Delphine Thouvenot and Ju Apilaporn
Khmer Times

Credit:  http://cache-graphicslib.viator.com/graphicslib/destination/thailand-260373.jpg

please press:  http://www.khmertimeskh.com

Pastor Redefines 'Church' For Transgender Youth

Stina Sieg

Credit:  https://www.gaytimes.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/church.jpg

please press:  http://www.npr.org