26 February 2020

civil rights - Iowa bill to end transgender civil rights protections is dead

NBC News

ezs note:  He's dead, Jim!

please press:  www.nbcnews.com

Idaho - Idaho Lawmakers Hear Tearful Testimony On Transgender Therapy Bill

James Dawson
Boise State Public Radio

Caldwell, ID

ezs note: Idahoans - If you aren't able to make it to the state Capitol, don't fret.  Call your state representative AND your state senator and tell them to say NO to these bills.  Thanks.  

lead story - Missouri bill would restrict transgender athletes to play on sports teams matching gender assigned at birth

Andrew Havranek

Lewis County Courthouse
Monticello, MO

please press:  www.ky3.com

ezs note:  If you live in Missouri, and you are a transgender athlete, ally, friend, or parent,  please call up your state representative AND state senator and tell them to defeat this idiotic bill.  Thanks.

Donald Trump - Trump in India: Anti-Muslim prime minister puts on a big show, bamboozles our president

Heather Digby Parton

Sardar Patel Stadium
Motera, India

please press:  www.salon.com