09 September 2014

That's interesting... but what do I do now?

Credit:  http://cdn.madamenoire.com/

On occasion, you happen to find a really good blog.  I happened to find one last night.  http://getequal.org/organizers-toolkit/ is a veritable  treasure trove of ideas about how to find and organize disparate people into a strong, cohesive unit. Whether you live in New York City or Podunk, Iowa, this blog's for you.

Toronto School Board Member Is Finally Called Out For Anti-Gay Rants, Is Left Speechless

Supreme Court asked to hear Indiana, Wisconsin same-sex marriage cases

Man Sentenced To 25 Years For Beating, Robbing Transgender Prostitute

26 percent of transgender voters in Alabama could be shut out by photo ID law, study shows

Leada Gore

to read more, go to;  http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2014/09/26_percent_of_transgender_vote.html

ezs note:  So ya think that voting doesn't matter?  THINK AGAIN.  If you live in Alabama, have friends who live there, or know allies who live there, make sure they read the article above.  That's why voting is important!

Govt accords minority status to Jain community (India)