09 June 2016

For Civil Rights Chief, Fighting For The Outsider Is Deeply Personal

Carrie Johnson

Credit:  http://www.tantalist.com/img/npr_logo.png

please press:  http://www.npr.org

How Many Transgender Americans Are There?

Samantha Michaels
Mother Jones

Credit:  http://america.aljazeera.com/content/ajam/watch/shows/edge-of-eighteen/articles/2014/10/3/trans-gender-discrimination/_jcr_content/image.adapt.480.low.trans_rights_03102014.jpg

08 June 2016

Stopping the Suffering of Transgender Immigrants

Adam Frankel and Bamby Salcedo
Human Rights Watch

Credit:  http://www.transequality.org/sites/default/files/styles/blog_770_325/public/2014/12/lgbt-rights-la-pride-parade-2013.jpg?itok=lie2N9Jx

please press:  https://www.hrw.org

Resolved: to affirm rights of transgender Jews

New Jersey Jewish News

Credit:  http://www.trbimg.com/img-563ba125/turbine/la-na-reform-jews-transgender-20151105

please press:  http://njjewishnews.com

Twitter chat: What’s the status of transgender rights in the U.S.?

Corinne Segal

Credit:  http://www.curvemag.com/images/cache/cache_1/cache_9/cache_f/transgender-flag-94d61f91.jpeg?ver=1461001937&aspectratio=1.4787430683919

please press:  http://www.pbs.org

Pentagon celebrates LGBT pride while changes to its transgender policy are stalled

Dan Lamothe
The Washington Post

Credit:  http://cdn.history.com/sites/2/2013/11/pentagon-hero-AB.jpeg

06 June 2016

Transgender woman attacked in north Houston

Joel Eisenbaum
Click 2 Houston

Montrose section of Houston

Credit:  http://www.texaswatchdog.org/files/montrose_0.jpg

ezs note:  Fortunately, we have the name of the suspect in this case.  It's Denzel Boone.  If you have any information regarding his whereabouts, please call the Houston police at 713-864-3131.  If you see him at this moment, do not try and restrain him - call Houston police emergency services at 911. Thanks.

Transgender teen's car vandalized in Stark County

Derick Waller
newsnet 5 (ABC)

Credit: http://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-photo-graffiti-wall-with-vandalism-street-art-background-124477357.jpg

please press:  http://www.newsnet5.com

ezs note:  Hey, maybe it's not a huge deal, but by sending a message that harassment of transgender people will NOT be tolerated is a huge boon to any community.  If you have any information,  please call the Stark County Sheriff's Office at 330-430-3800.  Thanks!

Lawmakers differ on effective date of transgender proposal

Bristol Herald Courier.com

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c7/Massachusetts_State_House_(4752990233).jpg/1280px-Massachusetts_State_House_(4752990233).jpg

04 June 2016

Sorry, Conservatives, but Obama's Guidance on Transgender Students Is Based on 2 Decades of Case Law

Brynn Tannehill
The New Civil Rights Movement

Credit:  http://rwwcomplaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Case-Law-Updates.jpg

A historic transgender change in Sask. (Canada)

Theresa Simon
Moose Jaw Times Herald


please press:  http://www.mjtimes.sk.ca

ezs note:  As much as we tend our focus on New York City, Los Angeles, Toronto or Montreal, this is NOT where all the action is!  Sometimes little Kelliher (pop. 368) does the trick!  No matter where you live, you can make the difference - if you've got the guts to say your peace.

Pembroke graduate takes shot at Donald Trump, calls for transgender rights

Patrick Ronan
Wicked Local Pembroke

Credit:  http://images.dailykos.com/images/215652/story_image/trump-gop.jpg?1456530881

Transgender Oscar Smith High student wants Chesapeake schools to change policies

Mike Connors
The Virginian-Pilot

Credit:  https://thematking.com/business_industry/industrial/logomats/vinyl-link/images/schools/oscarfsmith.jpg

please press:  http://pilotonline.com

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Giant_spider_strikes_again!.jpg

03 June 2016

Transgender bathroom policy approved by Kern High School District

Jeanne Pastore
Kern Golden Empire.com

Credit:  http://static-12.sinclairstoryline.com/resources/media/4a33304a-b41b-46c9-852d-dd45cd8fc14c-110908_kernhighschooldistrictkhsd1.jpg?1444451033645

Kinky Boots music video weighs in on transgender bathroom rights

Marc Snetiker
Entertainment Weekly

Credit:  http://theaterleague.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/kwicks-slider-size-KINKYlogo.gif

please press:  http://www.ew.com

Four arrested in the Vermont beating death of transgender man

Suzannah Gonzales

Credit:  http://www.heart2soul.com/media/69798/funeral-thank-you-sympathy-wording.png

please press:  http://www.reuters.com

ezs note:  GOOD.  Thank you, San Diego police department!

Military Benefits Could Cover Sex Reassignment for Transgender Veterans

Michael Lambert

Credit:  http://www.metroweekly.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/BXLvro5CIAAP4Le-e1428616868759.jpg

please press:  http://www.out.com

01 June 2016

Transgender people, the world's misunderstood (South Africa)


Credit:  http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/6e/34/6e34dd7f3d6e3385023267bd21007281.jpg?itok=Kbyrg3bW

please press:  http://www.iol.co.za

Kansas Senate condemns directive on transgender students, school bathrooms


Credit:  http://www.11points.com/images/protestspelling/foxnews.jpg
please press:  http://www.kmbc.com

ezs note:  If you just skimmed over the pic, take a closer look, please.  It's such a gem!

31 May 2016

Mass. Governor Says He'll Sign Transgender Protections Bill

Alison Bauter

Credit:  http://www.joehribar.com/wordpress/files/2009/12/pens_bush.jpg

please press: http://patch.com

ezs note:  Thank you, Gov. Baker!

30 May 2016

Tuscarawas County superintendents take wait-and-see attitude toward transgender directive

Jon Baker

Credit:  https://s3.amazonaws.com/lowres.cartoonstock.com/death-eternity-waits-please_wait-angels-pearly_gates-rnin872_low.jpg

Being transgender: facts, myths and rights (Pakistan)

Pakistan Today

Credit:  https://lgbthealthwellness.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/transgender-rights.png?w=474&h=270

Lebanon schools: No transgender changes planned

David Patton
Lebanon Express

Credit:  http://images.dailykos.com/images/178512/story_image/A_TransGender-Symbol.png?1447790975

To all my US friends, happy Memorial Day!

Credit:  http://www.almanac.com/sites/default/files/users/Almanac%20Staff/poppies_full_width.jpg

29 May 2016


David Villarreal
Unicorn Booty

Credit:  http://www.absolut.com/contentassets/3d5f93cbaea2400697c7a0f79a5a045d/absolut_absolutvodka_colors_pride_10.jpg

please press:  https://unicornbooty.com

Burlington Police: Transgender man dies from injuries


Credit:  https://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2012/04/11/17/25/psycho-29041_960_720.png

please press:  http://www.wcax.com

If you have any information regarding this murder, please call the Burlington (Vermont) police department at 802-658-2704.  Thank you very much.

Rest in peace, Mr. Beede.

28 May 2016

An Arab-Israeli Catholic Ballerina Just Won Israel's First Transgender Beauty Pageant

Mathew Rodriguez

Credit:  http://cdn.timesofisrael.com/uploads/2016/05/Screen-Shot-2016-05-27-at-11.58.31-PM-635x357.png

please press:  https://mic.com

Police arrest alleged murderer of transgender activist (Pakistan)

Daily Times

Credit:  http://cliparts.co/cliparts/rij/Krj/rijKrjAjT.png

please press:  http://dailytimes.com.pk

A look at 'Ma Vie en Rose'

Credit:  http://imperfectu.com/festival/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/MA+VIE+EN+ROSE1.jpg

With all this bathroom hoohah going about, I remembered in particular a Belgian film, 'Ma vie en rose'.  (one of the best, IMHO) It involves the troubles that a transgender girl is having.  There is one scene when Ludovic (Georges du Fresne) takes Jerome (Julien Riviere) to the bathroom to prove that she is, indeed, a girl.  It only lasts a second or two, but a girl passes by them in the bathroom.  Um, a unisex bathroom.

The movie is almost twenty years old.

When, oh when, will the United States learn?  Just askin'...

UNC system takes a stance on controversial bathroom law


Credit:  http://www.natcom.org/uploadedImages/More_Scholarly_Resources/Doctoral_Program_Resource_Guide/UNC%20campus.jpg

please press:  http://www.cbsnews.com

ezs note:  Good for you, UNC!

Burlington, Massachusetts

Credit:  https://activerain-store.s3.amazonaws.com/image_store/uploads/5/5/1/3/3/ar134912429433155.jpg

27 May 2016

Beshear: Bevin playing games on transgender issue

Tom Loftus

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/39/4b/12/394b1252f1bb7d230354ce43ea368b3d.jpg

ezs note:  Oh, I'm sure that transgender people can rest assured that southern governors would only have their best interests at heart. Just like a generation ago, African-Americans could rest assured that southern governors would only have their best interests at heart...


26 May 2016

Lawmaker introduced first bathroom bill in 2013

Howard Fischer
Arizona Daily Sun

Credit:  http://rlv.zcache.com/knuckle_draggers_unite_shirt-ra2425ceb02704b4082309484fbba36f0_jgogh_1024.jpg?rlvnet=1

please press:  http://azdailysun.com

Trump Gets Laughed At For Vague Answers to Jimmy Kimmel About Transgender Rights: WATCH

Andy Towle

Credit:  http://image.syracuse.com/home/syr-media/width960/img/post-standard/photo/2015/12/11/-9eccb5159ae06db8.jpg

please press:  http://www.towleroad.com

ezs note:  How true... (shudder)

Israeli transgender women ready for contest finals (Israel)

Oded Balilty
The Times of Israel

Credit:  http://marcibowers.com/mtf/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2013/12/Marci-Israeli-Newspaper-Gali-Nov-2013-1400-1024x768.jpg

'You are an ignorant bigot': California Democrat clashes with San Diego law professor on transgender issues

Sarah D.Wire
Los Angeles Times

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Zoe_Lofgren_109th_pictorial.jpg/170px-Zoe_Lofgren_109th_pictorial.jpg

please press:  http://www.latimes.com

Mississippi governor to join suit against Obama transgender policy


Credit:  https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1644/25263373896_ca97d2f757.jpg

please press:  http://www.reuters.com

24 May 2016

Ku Klux Klan distributes anti-transgender fliers in at least 1 Alabama neighborhood

Erin Edgemon / eedgemon@al.com

Credit:  http://southdakotapolitics.blogs.com/south_dakota_politics/images/hitlerthunecomparison

please press:  http://www.al.com

ezs note:  So remember, folks, which side the Ku Klux Klan is on - uh, yeah, those fine folks...

Poll: Voters Back Transgender Bathroom Choice, Oppose Laws About It

Carrie Dann

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/7d/Nbc1943logo.png

please press:  http://www.nbcnews.com

Yay Jaclyn Smith!

I was on a computer when I saw Jaclyn Smith, spoofing a nut who was making  a TOTAL arse out himself by praising the "virtues" of Donald Trump for president.  Enjoy it yourself, or pass it along to a Trump-lover.  He/she will be ashamed, I'm sure.  (I hope....) Anyhow, enjoy!