26 July 2017

Transgender Air Force Staff Sergeant Slams Trump's Service Ban: He 'Is Doing This Country an Injustice'

Char Adams and Lindsay Kimble

Staff Sergeant Logan Ireland

Credit:  https://arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-mco.s3.amazonaws.com/public/JPH6QT5FCBGNTOH2Z6GD4F3LIU.jpg

please press:  people.com

ezs note: Oh, Canada... (have you got it yet?)

Transgender Albertans say they're facing longer wait times for hormone replacement therapy (Canada)

Emily Rendell-Watson

Credit:  https://res.cloudinary.com/greenwich-2000-limited/image/upload/c_scale,dpr_1.0,f_auto,q_auto,w_auto/alberta

please press:  www.cbc.ca 

Canadian military tweets welcome as Trump bans transgender personnel (Canada)

Andrea Hopkins

Credit:  http://aptn.ca/news/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/11/MILIARY-MINORITIES.jpg

please press:  www.reuters.com

ezs note:  Oh, Canada, my home and native land...  funny how that song sounds sweeter and sweeter...

Trump to reinstate US military ban on transgender people

Jeremy Diamond

Credit:  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh0MbZj-SioOA1fKbJUeMaFTCG09LH-F3FDhNaiV2SWy1ITU8t4C5xn6O2wkh501sftXRvIFefwVlNLGJNMCONsqy_RVOoK4vy0DvaNJANeoAi8ufnCPSSEN5VvBpgcc-PQOtpp_IsXOKiX/s320/Mar.+16%252C+20173430.jpg

please press:  

ezs note:  To all my LGBT friends who are also Trumpazoids, I'm so glad he kept his word to you.

Um... riiiiiight...

25 July 2017

How marriage may protect transgender couples

Michigan State University

Credit:  https://az760333.vo.msecnd.net/-/media/corporate/plan-an-event/destination-wedding-planning/squawcreek_wedding_mrsmr.jpg?la=en&ts=865d751b-5426-495c-9204-0646a227b394

please press:  phys.org

Making Transgender Rights a Reality in India (India)

Jayshree Bajoria
Human Rights Watch

Credit:  https://blog.voxbone.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/india.jpg

please press:  www.hrw.org

Pence Working to Reverse Pentagon’s Transgender Policies

Paul McLeary
Foreign Policy

Credit:  http://www.truthdig.com/images/made/images/cartoonuploads/and0717j_1_590_444.jpg

please press:  foreignpolicy.com

24 July 2017

Drug interaction concerns may negatively affect HIV treatment adherence among transgender women

Judith Lavelle
National Institutes of Health

Credit:  https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/shrink_200_200/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAV1AAAAJDY5Mjc1NTFkLWMyMDgtNDEyMS1hYTc5LTBiODQ4ZTUwODJiOQ.png

please press:  www.nih.gov

ezs note:  From the time you're born until the time you croak, National Institutes of Health will touch your life positively at least once.  For pennies as opposed to dollars. (maybe hundreds of dollars)   Call your Congressperson you want full funding for this worthy endeavor. Call www.house.gov to be directed.

23 July 2017

Donald Trump and the Coming Fall of American Empire

Jeremy Scahill
Common Dreams

Credit:  http://www.theipinionsjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/CcG_Vl9WoAAgAQA.jpg

please press:  www.commondreams.org

ezs note:  To see the full article, click The Intercept. It's a long article, but well worth it. 

Democratic video targets Fishbein as ‘leader’ of conversion therapy bill opponents

Mike Savino

Credit:  http://america.aljazeera.com/content/ajam/watch/shows/morning-news/2015/6/push-to-ban-gay-conversion-therapy/_jcr_content/image.adapt.480.low.WP-CYBER-CONVERSIONS-CQ.jpg

please press:  www.myrecordjournal.com

Transgender Scots will soon be able to change the v on their birth certificate without 'intrusive' medical reports (Scotland)

Kirsten McStay
Daily Record

scene in Scotland  (UK)

Credit:  https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zqPC-8HZYgE/maxresdefault.jpg

please press:  www.dailyrecord.co.uk

Community vigil seeks justice for transgender woman slain in 2015

Chueyee Yang
The Fresno Bee

K.C./Casey Haggard and unknown assailant

Credit:  https://www.advocate.com/sites/advocate.com/files/07/fresno3_0.png

please press:  www.fresnobee.com

ezs note:  Granted, it's been a bit of a long time, but if you lived or worked in Fresno, California and you have any information, please call Fresno police at 553-621-7000.  Thanks.

Pine-Richland OKs deal in lawsuit filed by transgender students

Kris B. Mamula
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Credit:  http://www.railsandtrails.com/Maps/PRR-Pittsburgh/1855Pittsburgh100rl.jpg

please press:  www.post-gazette.com

22 July 2017

Donald Trump’s History Lessons

Roger Cohen
The New York Times\

Credit:  http://suindependent.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/1-5.jpg

please press:  www.nytimes.com

Republican Bill Would Stop Civil Rights Protections for Trans People

Andrew Philips

Credit:  https://www.usnews.com/dims4/USNEWS/cbf2d94/2147483647/thumbnail/970x647/quality/85/?url=%2Fcmsmedia%2F0a%2F78%2Ff680f4764a9b85e0586672171bb3%2F20150330edshe-b.jpg

please press:  www.out.com

House panel led by BJP MP says no shame in being transgender (India)

HT Correspondents
Hindustan Times

Credit:  https://previews.123rf.com/images/sunshinesmile/sunshinesmile1206/sunshinesmile120600042/13939597-Indian-flag-butterfly-flying-isolated-on-white-background-Stock-Photo.jpg

 please press:  www.hindustantimes.com

ezs note: Nice job, BJP. Nicer still if we tried it here in the United States. (Ahem.)

Flipkart includes its transgender customers in its Big 10 celebrations (India)

Krithiha Rajam

Credit:  http://tech.firstpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Flipkart-Sachin_Bansal.jpg

please press:  yourstory.com

Christie OKs law to give schools transgender policy guidance

ABC News

Credit:  https://www.teamunify.com/eznjslsc/_images/cust_bg_827_1365698583569.jpg

please press:  abcnews.go.com

Gainesville, Florida

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/1a/43/d2/1a43d2d9c86dd70273f43bf43ebf8c72.jpg

ezs note:  Hello, alligator!  (Don't worry - I won't get too close!)  You can see for yourself by visiting Gainesville, Florida!  

Army vs. McCarthy hearings

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJHsur3HqcI

ezs note:  Waaaay back in 1953, there was a kerfuffle over the Army - McCarthy hearings.  Joseph McCarthy was, if you don't know him, an asinine fool. He was also a United States Senator. From the time that he made his first 'famous'  speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, he was also a bald-faced fraud.  He made a name for himself, but by the time the Army hearings were held, his goose was essentially cooked. See the whole film, especially the last five minutes. 

Now,  people are saying I'm a knee-jerk Democrat because of my endorsement of the ousting of Donald Trump.  Yes, I do vote the majority of Democrats - but certainly not 100 percent.

I do not kick his rear because he is Republican.

I do not kick his rear because he is Democratic.

I  kick his rear because he is a blithering, psychotic fool.

Just like Joe. 

21 July 2017

In historic 1st, transgender inmate wins transfer to women's prison (Canada)

Kathleen Harris

Mission, BC

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b6/Mission%27s_welcome_sign.JPG/250px-Mission%27s_welcome_sign.JPG

please press:  www.cbc.ca

A Big Win for Transgender Kids in Minnesota


Credit:  http://www.hrc.org/files/images/welcoming_schools/general/Be_Who_You_Are_classroom_400.jpg

please press:  www.hrc.org

Transgender People Are Taking Legal Action Over North Carolina's New Bathroom Law

Dominic Holden

Credit: http://www.learnnc.org/lp/media/uploads/2007/06/ds1896.jpg

please press:  www.buzzfeed.com

ezs note: Please take note of the brief filed in Carcano (et. al) vs. Cooper.  It is fairly lengthy, but well worth the read.

Today, look for Wikipedia...

Credit:  http://smartraveller.gov.au/Maps/Jamaica.gif

ezs note:   Today, it's an important day.  Especially for Jamaica and  LGBT Jamaicans.  Dwayne Jones was murdered three years ago today.  While improvements have been made, 'police' officers still haven't done anything. 

Hey, what're ya gonna do, real police work, or sip on a rum and Coke?

20 July 2017


Nina Burleigh

Credit:  https://www.thecommonercall.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Scan-32-2-640x494.jpeg

please press:  www.newsweek.com

A Tour de France Champion Has Come Out As A Transgender Woman

Anthea Levi

Credit: https://cdn.itv.com/uploads/show/show_branding_logo/45/_Y-5Rj7iERNl1Ll5roTrEfl2znez_FUKQ6jjCTjpUDI.png

please press:  www.health.com

Mich. Corrections Department to aid transgender inmates

The Detroit News

Michigan prison

Credit:  http://mediad.publicbroadcasting.net/p/michigan/files/styles/medium/public/201104/stateprisoninjackson_003_1_.jpg

please press:  www.detroitnews.com

Sailor pleads guilty to transgender woman's brutal murder


Credit:  https://cdn.meme.am/cache/instances/folder825/500x/52493825.jpg

please press:  www.wlox.com

Transgender wrestling champ has a message for Texas lawmakers mulling ‘bathroom bill’

Matthew Martinez

Mack Beggs (right front)

Credit:  http://www.espn.com/photo/2017/0225/r183978_600x400_3-2.jpg

please press:  www.star-telegram.com

Video - Brooke Gladstone and Margaret Sullivan - 'The Trouble With Reality'

Credit:  C-SPAN

19 July 2017

Berkeley SHIP adds new healthcare benefits for transgender students

Christine Giuliano
The Daily Californian

University of California - Berkeley

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7f/UCBerkeleyCampus.jpg/220px-UCBerkeleyCampus.jpg

please press:  www.dailycal.org

Teen voted UK’s first transgender prom queen

Rebecca Wilkin
New York Post

Cardigan, Wales, UK

Credit:  https://thumb1.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/678094/237859117/stock-photo-trotting-races-at-synod-inn-near-cardigan-wales-in-the-uk-237859117.jpg

please press:  nypost.com

Transgender woman's photo with Texas governor goes viral

Jacqueline Thompson
The Hill

Credit:  http://azqdrycleaners.com/images/doh.jpg

please press:  thehill.com

18 July 2017

Top general blames unclear science for transgender troops delay

Leo Shane III
Military Times

Albert Cashier

Credit:  https://acwm.org/sites/default/files/albert_cashier_hat.jpg

please press:  www.militarytimes.com

ezs note:  Yes.  Let's think over this matter. Carefully.  Oh, never mind that  Albert Cashier served
honorably in the Civil War.  Yes.  Let's think.  Yes.

17 July 2017

Who, me run??

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7d/d9/b4/7dd9b4a1a4862d9762b076b19d2329c2--adult-cartoons-sexy-cartoons.jpg

ezs note:  I was reading the Hartford Courant a little while ago, and I was a little sad.  It seems that in Connecticut, (as well as several other states) state and city hopefuls simply aren't willing to put their name out there. This is something that is happening among Democrats and Republicans.  

Every time a ballot line goes blank, we all suffer a bit.  And who do I expect to step up to the plate?  YOU, pal.  You can make the case for a more fair, more humane bit of America?  Is it gonna be easy?  Nope, not here, pal...

But YOU can make the difference. 

6 defenses of Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia meeting — each more dubious than the last

Aaron Blake
The Washington Post

Credit:  http://www.delawareliberal.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/trumppig.jpg

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com 

Salvation Army rehab centre faces charges for rejecting vulnerable transgender people (UK)

Nick Duffy
Pink News

Credit:  https://68.media.tumblr.com/952f4bd9f6e00d245a1c31ca6596e892/tumblr_ohrtj2PPrI1s9c6nao1_500.jpg

please press:  www.pinknews.co.uk

Republican bill would re-write civil rights laws to stop protecting trans people (UK)

Nick Duffy
Pink News

Credit:  http://rackjite.com/wp-content/uploads/r121913ff.jpg

please press:  www.pinknews.co.uk

ezs note:  These folks are particularly vile.  When one of them gets an opponent, it might be wise to consider a donation. Granted, it's early, but the earlier the better.  If you live in one of these districts, please pay special attention.

Retrial starts in murder of Md. transgender woman

Neal Augenstein

Zella Ziona

Credit:  http://media.nbcwashington.com/images/652*367/101615+zella+ziona.jpg

please press:  wtop.com

Federal Judge Set to Hear Suit on Transgender School Policy

US News and World Report

Credit:  http://www.trbimg.com/img-5896765a/turbine/ct-federal-judge-james-robart-ruling-20170204

please press:  www.usnews.com

16 July 2017


Harriet Sinclair

Credit:  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C5awm50WcAAccdW.jpg

please press:  www.newsweek.com

Broad Theater screens underground transgender classic, Funeral Parade of Roses

Ken Korman

Credit:  https://de1imrko8s7v6.cloudfront.net/movies/posters/funeral-parade-of-roses_1455737940.jpg

please press:  www.bestofneworleans.com

Transgender health care targeted in crusade to undo ACA

Shefali Luthra

Credit:  https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56e5b672c2ea51482feff364/t/5814fe07d482e994ffbab324/1477770764387/

please press:  www.pbs.org

ezs note:  Even though you might not have plans to get surgery right away, or you can get it done independently, think about your neighbor who isn't as fortunate.  Please call your Congressperson and urge her/him to fully fund the Affordable Care Act.  If you aren't sure who your Congressperson is, click www.house.gov.  Put your ZIP code in the upper right corner, and you should be directed to the correct Congressperson.

North Texas families with transgender kids support one another, wage 'war' against bathroom bills

Lauren McGaughy
Dallas News

Credit:  http://www.filmsite.org/images/war-genre.jpg

please press:  www.dallasnews.com

‘Queen Sugar’ Actor Brian Michael Smith Comes Out As Transgender

Tiq Milan
NBC News

Brian Michael Smith

Credit:  https://media2.s-nbcnews.com/j/newscms/2017_28/2074336/brian_michael_smith_126b44fd840751d019bc929cae43d69b.nbcnews-ux-600-480.jpg

please press:  http://www.nbcnews.com

15 July 2017

If anything Donald Trump Jr. says is true, he and his father are terrible negotiators

Cathy Boggs
Los Angeles Times

Credit:  https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/theindependent.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/d/64/d64d6fb2-c120-11e5-a989-fb88db658361/56a251684f774.image.jpg?resize=600%2C390

please press:  www.latimes.com

Close-Knit Breaks Ground as a Mainstream Japanese Film About a Trans Woman

Jessica Lachenal
The Mary Sue

Close-Knit movie (Japan)

Credit:  http://www.exberliner.com/downloads/17550/download/close-knit.jpg?cb=86b73199bf151fafe428e714c488beba

please press:  www.themarysue.com

Justice for transgender athletes not on the radar, Olympian says (Canada)

Maria Jose Burgos
CBC News

Credit:  https://i2.wp.com/www.jobscan.co/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Olympians.jpg?ssl=1

please press:  www.cbc.ca

Steve King compares transgender troops with castrated slaves

Linh Ta
The Des Moines Register

Credit:  http://media.cagle.com/53/2017/03/13/192827_600.jpg

please press:  www.desmoinesregister.com

This Under-the-Radar Trump Administration Change Could Make Life Even Harder for Transgender Seniors

Annie Nova

Credit:  https://s3.amazonaws.com/lowres.cartoonstock.com/health-beauty-doctor-hypodermic_needle-patient-syringes-nurses-jkon587_low.jpg

please press:  http://time.com/money