27 December 2019

Australia - Transgender clinic’s bid to operate on girls under 17

Bernard Lane
The Weekend Australian

Melbourne, Australia

please press:  www.theaustralian.com.au

civil rights - Stories that shaped the decade: From debate over transgender athletes to LGBTQ discrimination, conversations around gender and sexual identity emerge

Amanda Blanco
Hartford Courant

Hartford, CT

please press:  www.courant.com

Maine - As transgender-rights organization expands into rural Maine, its members are getting priced out of Portland

Nick Schroeder
Bangor Daily News

Portland, ME

please press: bangordailynews.com 

ezs note:  If you have the bucks - even if it's only a single - you can make a difference. Contact www.mainetransnet.org/donate.

lead story - The internet made trans people visible. It also left them more vulnerable.

Donald Trump - Navy SEALs who turned in Gallagher: He is 'freaking evil'

Tess Bonn
The Hill

ezs note:  Well, he should fit in just fine with Donald!

please press:  thehill.com