12 July 2021

archive - Beauty Title Won by Boy - Aug 25 1969

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If you have pamphlets, magazines, zines, posters, scrapbooks, paintings, sculptures, art printings, comix or newspaper clippings and wish to download them to a reputable organization, please see digitaltransgenderarchive.net.

Virginia - VDOE: All public schools required to have inclusive policy for transgender students by Fall 2021

Karina Bolster


Richmond, VA

please press:  www.nbc12.com

lead story - 'We're here': Transgender people have new office in York for resources, help with life skills

Sam Ruland

York Daily Record

York, PA

please press:  www.ydr.com

Texas House of Representatives - Texas Democrats to flee state in effort to block GOP-backed voting restrictions

Jane C. Timm

NBC News

Texas Capitol
Austin, TX

please press:  www.nbcnews.com