Jamie Wareham
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This is a news blog which specifically lets you know what is going on in the transgender world.
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Brandon Evans
Albuquerque, NM
Credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/93/Rio_Grande_looking_south%2C_west_of_ABQ.jpg
please press: www.koat.com
Philadelphia, PA
Credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/Elfreth%27s_Alley%2C_Philadelphia%2C_2008.jpg
please press: 6abc.com
ezs note: Although police have arrested Abdullah Ibn El-Amin Jaamia, they still can use your help. If you have any additional information, please call 215-686-TIPS. Thanks.
Gail Collins
The New York Times
Trump, in a calmer mood
Credit: https://images.uncyclomedia.co/uncyclopedia/en/a/aa/Donald_Trump_hair.jpg
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