07 January 2023

Health care for transgender adults becomes new target in 2023 legislative session

Orion Rummler

Axios/The 19th

Oklahoma City, OK

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/06/Devon_energy_center.JPG

please press:  19thnews.org

ezs note:  If you live in one of the following states - South Carolina, Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia or Kentucky - please email or call (preferred) your state representative AND state senator and tell this person that they should say NO to this odious bill(s). Thanks.

Christian Nationalism: A Sinful, Idolatrous Nation? (video)


ezs note:  I ran across Rev. Ed Trevors and got a breath of fresh air.  Most of what passes off as 'Christianity' is pure crap.  We may not see every line side to side (he is a [real] Christian, I am a Baha'i), but, geez, this guy is good. I'll do my bit to promote him.