26 January 2024



Air Farce One (no, that's not a typo)

ezs note:  Normally, I don't deviate from transgender issues, but Rev. Ed Trevors posted a blog yesterday called "Climate Change and Sin" and it really inspired me.  It made me think of Air Force One, and Joe Biden, the current occupant.  It really doesn't matter whether the President is liberal (Barack Obama) or conservative (Donald Trump) - if you are wasting money, treasure, and the Earth, you are culpable.  (and if you are a spiritual being, you have to answer for God's precious Earth). I wrote to Joe Biden on this matter (whitehouse.gov)  and if you feel as I do, I urge you to do the same. Thanks.

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Iowa Republicans set hearing on bill removing civil rights protections for gender identity

Stephen Gruber-Miller

Des Moines Register

Fairfield, IA

please press:  www.desmoinesregister.com

ezs note:  Jeff Shipley (R-Fairfield) introduced a bill that would remove civil rights protections for gender identity.  REMOVE HIM WITH THE VOTE.  If you live anywhere in Iowa, even an hour can be constructive.

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How would Jesus react to this Christmas message? (video)

ezs note:  I ran across Rev. Ed Trevors, who gave me a breath of fresh air.  Unfortunately, most of what passes off as 'Christianity' is pure crap.  I may not see every line from side to side (he is a [real] Christian, I am a Baha'i), but, geez, this guy is good. I'll do my bit to promote him. To learn more about him, go to Bing AI and type 'Who is Reverend Ed Trevors?'

By the way, if you're free , Ed broadcasts live on 1) most Saturday nights at 7:30 pm and 2) most Wednesday afternoons at 2:00 pm (Eastern time).  Look for :