19 August 2021

archive - Cross-Port InnerView - May 1992


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If you have pamphlets, magazines, zines, posters, scrapbooks, paintings, sculptures, art printings, comix or newspaper clippings and wish to download them to a reputable organization, please see digitaltransgenderarchive.net.

Ohio - HRC Mourns Tierramarie Lewis, Black Transgender Woman Killed in Cleveland

Madeleine Roberts


Cleveland, OH

please press:  www.hrc.org

lead story - Newport News School Board declines to adopt state-outlined protections for transgender, nonbinary students

Sarah Fearing


Newport News, VA

please press:  www.wavy.com

Capitol bombing - Police identify suspect who surrendered after claiming to have a bomb near US Capitol

Whitney Wild, Lauren Fox, Daniella Diaz


US Capitol

please press:  www.cnn.com