26 September 2016

ICYMI: Donald Trump Adds Rick Santorum as Adviser


Credit:  https://ih0.redbubble.net/image.199656696.4443/flat,800x800,070,f.u3.jpg

please press:  http://www.hrc.org

ezs note:  Oh yeh... Santorum will make a great advisor... NOT!!!

How Mumbai’s red light district and transgender community ‘haunted and inspired’ Anosh Irani (Canada)

David Chau
National Post

Credit:  https://dynamic.indigoimages.ca/books/0345816749.jpg?altimages=true&width=260&quality=85&maxheight=400&lang=en

Pridelines intergenerational conference shines light on HIV prevention

Christian Portilla
Miami Herald

Credit:  https://images.trvl-media.com/hotels/1000000/30000/23200/23141/23141_311_b.jpg

How a supercomputer helped give a Nepali trans activist a voice of her own (UK)

Nick Duffy
Pink News

Credit:  http://cdn.phys.org/newman/gfx/news/hires/2014/edisonelectr.jpg

please press:  http://www.pinknews.co.uk