18 May 2016

Speaker predicts 'mass exodus' if Springfield schools embrace transgender bathroom rules

Claudette Riley

Credit:  https://i.imgflip.com/kvb9k.jpg

ezs note:  Oh, please leave.... we want our IQ to go up by 50 points...

Editorial: New law protecting transgender people is a step forward

Editorial Board
Montreal Gazette

Credit:  https://img1.etsystatic.com/070/0/6191330/il_214x170.811136739_3t1y.jpg

Gov. Sam Brownback rejects federal guidance on transgender students

Tim Carpenter

Credit:  http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8106/8488548863_b82e98aa5b.jpg

please press:  http://cjonline.com

ezs note:  Once again, read the freakin' document...

Transgender Woman Loses Support from Her Family After Coming Out and Dropping 120 Lbs.

Julie Mazziotta

Credit:  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjUL0OVDbLzbfyL5nQwahoYpBXljz8-LLdXELK3PNj63JYTrTfp_FR_0Itut7oNUH7qRPhd09WNReOjJxI_8oHZyCz7deGlm660PiJohf4vyxXp3tVFgqcJpQ7dTsc-avZhY_c-lco71kXb/s1600/depression+meme.jpg

please press:  http://www.people.com

Large-scale HIV vaccine trial to launch in South Africa

National Institutes of Health

Credit:  http://drugdiscoveryopinion.com/images/aids.jpg

please press:  https://www.nih.gov

ezs note:  We have to be careful - after all, it won't be until 2020 that we receive the results - but it could be that this vaccine is promising.  In the meantime, please use medicines that are useful NOW.