01 March 2019

Home of the Whopper!

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/Burger_king_whopper.jpg

"Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, met with the head of a Russian bank under sanctions and asked Russia’s ambassador to Washington, Sergey I. Kislyak, whether Mr. Trump’s aides could use phone lines at the Russian embassy to communicate with Moscow during the presidential transition."

The New York Times

"Moscow Skyscraper Talks Continued Through ‘the Day I Won,’ Trump Is Said to Acknowledge"


Donald Trump - The 29 most consequential lines from Michael Cohen's congressional testimony

Chris Cillizza

Credit:  https://nlctb.org/wp-content/uploads/longlist1.jpg

please press:  www.cnn.com

ezs note:  Okaaay... there is a long list of hotlinks in Chris Cillizza's article.  If you are a casual reader, you don't need to worry about that.  However, if you are like me, an anti-Trump geek, you would do well to read part or all of them.  (Yaaaah!!)

Poland - Poland moves step closer to banning gay conversion therapy

Lydia Smith
Pink News

Slupsk, Poland

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Slupsk_mlyn_zamkowy.jpg

please press:  www.pinknews.co.uk

civil rights - Shattering Glass Ceilings This Women’s History Month

Rokia Hassanein

Credit:  https://annaselundberg.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/shattered-glass-ceiling.jpg

please press:  www.hrc.org

North Dakota - North Dakota lawmakers reopen debate on sexual orientation anti-discrimination

John Hageman
Grand Forks Herald

Bismarck, ND
Fort Abraham Lincoln

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/87/Vil_3.JPG

please press:  www.grandforksherald.com

lead story - Man pleads guilty to 2017 murder of OKC transgender woman

Nuria Martinez-Keel

Norman, OK

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/24/Cloud-to-ground_lightning2_-_NOAA.jpg

please press:  newsok.com