25 October 2016

The rest of the ticket

Credit:  http://www.canivote.org/New-Election-Day-2016jpg.gif

So far, I have covered the top of the ticket by selecting Hillary Clinton (D) over Donald Trump
(R), Gary Johnson (L) or Jill Stein (G).  Here is the rest of the ticket.

US Senator
Richard Blumenthal (D) over Dan Carter (R), Richard Lion (L) , or Jeffery Russell (G)

US Representative
John B. Larson (D) over Matthew M. Corey (R) or S. Michael DeRosa (G)

State Senator
Beth Bye (D) over Mark Merritt (R)

State Rep. (18)
Andrew Fleischmann (D) over Rob Levine (R) 

State Rep. (19)
Chris Barnes (R) over Derek Slap (D)

In the 20th State Rep. district (Joe Verrengia-D) and the Judge of Probate (Owen Eagan-D) both are unopposed. As far as the Registrar of Voters goes, hell, flip a coin - they both get in. 

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