Showing posts with label Connecticut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Connecticut. Show all posts

05 February 2025

Connecticut, support SJ 35!!!



ezs note:  If you live in Connecticut, you have an IMPORTANT bill coming up. SJ 35 would put into the state constitution endorsing rights regarding sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, among others.  PLEASE go to the Capitol at 12:00 pm Friday, or if unable, go to your state representative AND state Senator and endorse this important bill.  Thanks.

04 February 2025

Dump Trump!


hookers and Mafia bosses welcome!

Uh... had enough???

It's only been a  few weeks now, but Trump's got his dirty fingers over everything already.  If you are (or have been) a government employee, YOU may have seen Donald's hands in the cookie jar.  Go to , then go to SecureDrop, and follow the instructions.  I can't absolutely guarantee your privacy, but the Tor network is damn good.  Good luck.

If you aren't a government employee, but you know someone who is, gently nudge him/her to do the right thing.  Don't worry if she/he initially says no.  Trump'll do something to screw up, and you will done something to plant a seed.  Thanks.

11 November 2024



protest in Northfield, MN (example)

ezs note:  Here in West Hartford, Connecticut, there will be a MAJOR protest/rally by LGBTQIA+ folks and their allies.  Connecticut is a small state, and West Hartford is centrally located, so folks should have little problem getting here.  Go to the Blue Back square (West Hartford center) and look for The Cheesecake Factory (Isham Road).

day/time:  11:00 am, Sunday the 17th

08 October 2024

national/world - 3% of U.S. High School Students Identify as Transgender, First National Survey Finds

Dennis Thompson

US News & World Report

Lebanon, CT (r)

please press:

ezs note:  Here in Connecticut, although overall things are better, there are pockets of woe.  If you are a parent, do your best to your Board of Ed meeting and SPEAK.  If they give you a blind eye, do your best to turn them on their ear..

20 September 2024

Connecticut - CT resident Megyn Kelly wants to run against Sen. Chris Murphy and 'take your job'

Jordan Nathaniel Fenster

CT Post

Greenwich, CT

please press:

ezs note:  I don't give a flying fart how much "star power" Megyn Kelly has.  A while ago, I met Chris Murphy in a campaign, and a more decent man I have yet to meet.  If you have a brain in your head, vote for him.

12 August 2024

07 August 2024

Yeah, the trolls are at it again...


Troll (W. G. Collingwood, artist)

ezs note:  This afternoon, I discovered (quite unpleasantly) that Facebook had removed my post.  I can't say for certain, but I suspect that a MAGA person had his widdle feelings hurt by my postings critical of Donald Trump.  I put in a response, but you can help by contacting Facebook and letting them know that Emily's Virtual Rocket is legitamately  keeping you informed, and should not be bothered by such cretins.  Thanks.

08 May 2024

Connecticut - CT: ‘Safe haven’ for transgender youth? For some, not safe enough

Ally McMaster, Luke Feeney

CT Mirror

Shelton, CT

please press:

ezs note:  Fellow Connecticut residents - if your child is a victim of a bully, don't wait - show up at the next school board and raise holy hell to the members.  And show up at the next meeting.  And the next.  If your child is a bully, for God's sake, don't coddle em'.  Let them know that there are rules, and you EXPECT them to be carried out.

06 May 2024

national/world - PODCAST: How safe is CT for transgender youth?



Southfield, CT (part of Stamford)

please press:

ezs note:  As a whole, Connecticut is a wonderful place to live.  But there are pockets of dimwittery around.  Call your state legislator and state senator and tell them to shape up.  If they turn a deaf ear... well, you can run for office...

14 March 2024

Vote yes on Plainville's referendum!

Plainville, CT


ezs note:  As I've said before, although I no longer live in Plainville, I read the town's goings-on with great interest.  There are two reasons why you should vote YES on the school board's budget:

1)  the middle school is in dire need of repair,


2)  it would royally piss off a person who heads an anti-anything board.

Yeah, the last one's personal.  So what.

27 December 2023

Earthquake hits Plainville, Connecticut!


Plainville, CT

Well, no, not literally.

But things might as well have been.  Y'see, up until early November, things were pretty happy for Republicans.  Then the earth moved.  The Democrats moved over 5-2 - a supermajority.  Things hadn't been this way  for a long, long, long time.  

Now, you may think of West Hartford as my hometown.  But up until I had my stroke, Plainville was my hometown.  I thought Plainville was gonna be a lifetime. But, y'know, things do happen.  But I do check on Plainville on occasion.  

If you are in Plainville, you might really want to check whether it's time to run for the state house or the state senate, especially if you have knowlege of local history.  Who knows?  Y'all might win!