29 July 2020

What I believe...

ezs note:  I've given this some thought - no, a great deal of thought - but I've given a great deal of respect and admiration to Baha'u'llah (1817-1892).  I'll be ending this with a quote of Baha'u'llah, as well as His son, Abdu'l Baha, as well as Shoghi Effendi (among others).  If you wish to peruse the Writings more thoroughly, you can see http://bahai-library.com/. (Baha'i Library Online) 

I have heard Mulla Abdu'l-Karim
 recount the following incident: 
"My companions and I were fast 
asleep in the vicinity of the tent of
 the Bab when the trampling of 
horsemen suddenly awakened us. We
 were soon informed that the tent of
 the Bab was vacant and that those 
who had gone out in search of Him had
 failed to find Him. We heard Muhammad
 Big remonstrate with the guards. `Why 
feel disturbed?' he pleaded. `Are not 
His magnanimity and nobleness of soul
 sufficiently established in your eyes to
 convince you that He will never, for the
 sake of His own safety, consent to involve
 others in embarrassment? He, no doubt,
 must have retired, in the silence of this
 moonlit night, to a place where 
He can seek undisturbed communion
 with God. He will unquestionably return
 to His tent. He will never desert us.' 
In his eagerness to reassure his colleagues,
 Muhammad Big set out on foot along the 
road leading to Tihran. I, too, with my 
companions, followed him. Shortly after,
 the rest of the guards were seen, each on
 horseback, marching behind us. We had 
covered about a maydan
 when, by the dim light of the early dawn, 
we discerned in the distance the lonely figure
 of the Bab. He was coming towards us
 from the direction of Tihran. `Did
 you believe Me to have escaped?'
 were His words to Muhammad Big
 as He approached him. `Far be it from
 me,' was the instant reply as he
 flung himself at the feet of the Bab
, `to entertain such thoughts.'
 Muhammad Big was too much awed
 by the serene majesty which 
that radiant face revealed that
 morning to venture any further 
remark. A look of confidence had
 settled upon His countenance, His 
words were invested with such 
transcendent power, that a feeling of
 profound reverence wrapped our 
very souls. No one dared to question Him
 as to the cause of so remarkable a
 change in His speech and demeanour. 
Nor did He Himself choose to allay
 our curiosity and wonder." 


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