Showing posts with label what I believe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what I believe. Show all posts

17 November 2021

What I believe...

ezs note:  I've given this some thought - no, a great deal of thought - but I've given a great deal of respect and admiration to Baha'u'llah (1817-1892).  I'll be ending this with a quote of Baha'u'llah, as well as His son, Abdu'l Baha, as well as Shoghi Effendi (among others).  If you wish to peruse the Writings more thoroughly, you can see .  To see an excellent introductory video by Rainn Wilson, you can find it  here.

If the lovers be among them that abide within the precincts of the abode of the Lodestone of hearts, no soul may dwell on this kingly throne save the countenance of love. I am powerless to describe this station or to depict it in words.

Love shunneth this world and that world too;

In him are lunacies seventy-and-two.

05 November 2021

What I believe...


ezs note:  I've given this some thought - no, a great deal of thought - but I've given a great deal of respect and admiration to Baha'u'llah (1817-1892).  I'll be ending this with a quote of Baha'u'llah, as well as His son, Abdu'l Baha, as well as Shoghi Effendi (among others).  If you wish to peruse the Writings more thoroughly, you can see .  To read an introductory book by J. E. Esslemont, you can read here.

Send down, then, upon Thy loved ones, O my God, from the heaven of Thy bounty that which will cause them to fix their gaze upon Thee and to act in accordance with Thy will and behest. Ordain for them, then, what will profit them and preserve them, what will draw them nigh and set them free. Verily Thou art their Lord, their Creator, and their Helper. No God is there but Thee, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Generous. (Baha'u'llah)

22 August 2020

What I believe...

ezs note:  I've given this some thought - no, a great deal of thought - but I've given a great deal of respect and admiration to Baha'u'llah (1817-1892).  I'll be ending this with a quote of Baha'u'llah, as well as His son, Abdu'l Baha, as well as Shoghi Effendi (among others).  If you wish to peruse the Writings more thoroughly, you can see (Baha'i Library Online) 

Be fair: Is the testimony of those
 acceptable and worthy of attention
 whose deeds agree with their words,
 whose outward behavior conforms
 with their inner life? The mind is 
bewildered at their deeds, and the soul 
marveleth at their fortitude and bodily
 endurance. Or is the testimony of these
 faithless souls who breathe naught but
 the breath of selfish desire, and who lie
 imprisoned in the cage of their idle fancies,
 acceptable? Like the bats of darkness, they
 lift not their heads from their couch except
 to pursue the transient things of the world,
 and find no rest by night except as they
 labor to advance the aims of their sordid
 life. Immersed in their selfish schemes, they
 are oblivious of the Divine decree. In
 the daytime they strive with all their 
soul after worldly benefits, and in the
 night season their sole occupation is to
 gratify their carnal desires. By what law
 or standard could men be justified in
 cleaving to the denials of such petty-minded
 souls and in ignoring the faith of them
 that have renounced, for the sake of the
 good pleasure of God, their life and
 substance, their fame and renown, their
 reputation and honor?... (Baha’u’llah)

31 July 2020

What I believe...

ezs note:  I've given this some thought - no, a great deal of thought - but I've given a great deal of respect and admiration to Baha'u'llah (1817-1892).  I'll be ending this with a quote of Baha'u'llah, as well as His son, Abdu'l Baha, as well as Shoghi Effendi (among others).  If you wish to peruse the Writings more thoroughly, you can see (Baha'i Library Online) 

It behoveth thee to consecrate
 thyself to the Will of God.
 Whatsoever hath been revealed
 in His Tablets is but a reflection of
 His Will. So complete must be thy 
consecration, that every trace of worldly
 desire will be washed from thine heart.
 This is the meaning of true unity. 

29 July 2020

What I believe...

ezs note:  I've given this some thought - no, a great deal of thought - but I've given a great deal of respect and admiration to Baha'u'llah (1817-1892).  I'll be ending this with a quote of Baha'u'llah, as well as His son, Abdu'l Baha, as well as Shoghi Effendi (among others).  If you wish to peruse the Writings more thoroughly, you can see (Baha'i Library Online) 

I have heard Mulla Abdu'l-Karim
 recount the following incident: 
"My companions and I were fast 
asleep in the vicinity of the tent of
 the Bab when the trampling of 
horsemen suddenly awakened us. We
 were soon informed that the tent of
 the Bab was vacant and that those 
who had gone out in search of Him had
 failed to find Him. We heard Muhammad
 Big remonstrate with the guards. `Why 
feel disturbed?' he pleaded. `Are not 
His magnanimity and nobleness of soul
 sufficiently established in your eyes to
 convince you that He will never, for the
 sake of His own safety, consent to involve
 others in embarrassment? He, no doubt,
 must have retired, in the silence of this
 moonlit night, to a place where 
He can seek undisturbed communion
 with God. He will unquestionably return
 to His tent. He will never desert us.' 
In his eagerness to reassure his colleagues,
 Muhammad Big set out on foot along the 
road leading to Tihran. I, too, with my 
companions, followed him. Shortly after,
 the rest of the guards were seen, each on
 horseback, marching behind us. We had 
covered about a maydan
 when, by the dim light of the early dawn, 
we discerned in the distance the lonely figure
 of the Bab. He was coming towards us
 from the direction of Tihran. `Did
 you believe Me to have escaped?'
 were His words to Muhammad Big
 as He approached him. `Far be it from
 me,' was the instant reply as he
 flung himself at the feet of the Bab
, `to entertain such thoughts.'
 Muhammad Big was too much awed
 by the serene majesty which 
that radiant face revealed that
 morning to venture any further 
remark. A look of confidence had
 settled upon His countenance, His 
words were invested with such 
transcendent power, that a feeling of
 profound reverence wrapped our 
very souls. No one dared to question Him
 as to the cause of so remarkable a
 change in His speech and demeanour. 
Nor did He Himself choose to allay
 our curiosity and wonder." 


26 July 2020

What I believe...

ezs note:  I've given this some thought - no, a great deal of thought - but I've given a great deal of respect and admiration to Baha'u'llah (1817-1892).  I'll be ending this with a quote of Baha'u'llah, as well as His son, Abdu'l Baha, as well as Shoghi Effendi.  If you wish to peruse the Writings more thoroughly, you can see (Baha'i Library Online) 

His face their lesson and their only book.
Learning of wonderment,
of longing love their duty,
Not on learned chapters and
dull themes they look.
The chain that binds them
is His musky hair,
The Cyclic Scheme, to them,
is but to Him a stair.

23 July 2020

What I believe...

Credit:  ezs note:  I've given this some thought - no, a great deal of thought - but I've given a great deal of respect and admiration to Baha'u'llah (1817-1892).  I'll be ending this with a quote of Baha'u'llah, as well as His son, Abdu'l Baha, as well as Shoghi Effendi.  If you wish to peruse the Writings more thoroughly, you can see (Baha'i Library Online) 

The poor in your midst are My trust; guard ye My trust, and be not intent only on your own ease. (Baha'u'llah)

16 July 2020

What I believe....

ezs note:  I've given this some thought - no, a great deal of thought - but I've given a great deal of respect and admiration to Baha'u'llah (1817-1892).  I'll be ending this with a quote of Baha'u'llah, as well as His son, Abdu'l Baha, as well as Shoghi Effendi.  If you wish to peruse the Writings more thoroughly, you can see (Baha'i Library Online) 

In all the Divine Books the promise of the Divine Presence hath been explicitly recorded. By this Presence is meant the Presence of Him Who is the Dayspring of the signs, and the Dawning-Place of the clear tokens, and the Manifestation of the Excellent Names, and the Source of the attributes, of the true God, exalted be His glory. God in His Essence and in His own Self hath ever been unseen, inaccessible, and unknowable. By Presence, therefore, is meant the Presence of the One Who is His Vicegerent amongst men. He, moreover, hath never had, nor hath He, any peer or likeness. For were He to have any peer or likeness, how could it then be demonstrated that His being is exalted above, and His essence sanctified from, all comparison and likeness? Briefly, there hath been revealed in the Kitáb-i-Iqán (Book of Certitude) concerning the Presence and Revelation of God that which will suffice the fair-minded. We beseech Him--exalted be He--to aid every one to become the essence of truthfulness, and to draw nigh unto Him. He, verily, is the Lord of strength and power. No God is there but Him, the All-Hearing, the Lord of Utterance, the Almighty, the All-Praised. (Baha’u’llah)

12 July 2020

What I believe...

ezs note:  I've given this some thought - no, a great deal of thought - but I've given a great deal of respect and admiration to Baha'u'llah (1817-1892).  I'll be ending this with a quote of Baha'u'llah, as well as His son, Abdu'l Baha, as well as Shoghi Effendi.  If you wish to peruse the Writings more thoroughly, you can see (Baha'i Library Online)  

With no less than ten million people under arms, drilled and instructed in the use of the most abominable engines of destruction that science has devised; with thrice that number chafing and fretting at the rule of alien races and governments; with an equally vast army of embittered citizens impotent to procure for themselves the material goods and necessities which others are deliberately destroying; with a still greater mass of human beings groaning under the burden of ever-mounting armaments, and impoverished by the virtual collapse of international trade--with evils such as these, humanity would seem to be definitely entering the outer fringes of the most agonizing phase of its existence. (Baha'u'llah)