Showing posts with label California. Show all posts
Showing posts with label California. Show all posts

07 June 2023

James Ivory (Wikipedia)


James Ivory

ezs note:  This is a new piece, borrowing Wikipedia's list of anniversaries of LGBT+ and advocates.   This is a wide list, but it is by no means exhaustive.  You can help by adding to the list of notables.  In the meantime, enjoy!

22 May 2023

Harvey Milk (Wikimedia)


Harvey Milk (1930 - 1978)

ezs note:  This is a new piece, borrowing Wikipedia's list of anniversaries of LGBT+ and advocates.   This is a wide list, but it is by no means exhaustive.  You can help by adding to the list of notables.  In the meantime, enjoy!

16 May 2023

Adrienne Rich (Wikipedia)


Adrienne Rich (1929 - 2012)

please press:  Adrienne Rich

ezs note:  This is a new piece, borrowing Wikipedia's list of anniversaries of LGBT+ and advocates.   This is a wide list, but it is by no means exhaustive.  You can help by adding to the list of notables.  In the meantime, enjoy!

12 May 2023

Robbie Rogers (Wikipedia)


Robbie Rogers

please press:  Robbie Rogers

 ezs note:  This is a new piece, borrowing Wikipedia's list of anniversaries of LGBT+ notables.  This is a wide list, but it is by no means exhaustive.  You can help by adding to the list of notables.  In the meantime, enjoy!

04 May 2023

Del Martin (Wikipedia)


Del Martin, left (1921-2008)  (?)

please press:  Del Martin

ezs note:  This is a new piece, borrowing Wikipedia's list of anniversaries of LGBT+ notables.  This is a wide list, but it is by no means exhaustive.  You can help by adding to the list of notables.  In the meantime, enjoy!

30 April 2023

Alice B. Toklas (Wikipedia)


Alice B. Toklas (1877-1967)

please press:  Alice B. Toklasèèè

ezs note:  This is a new piece, borrowing Wikipedia's list of anniversaries of LGBT+ notables.  This is a wide list, but it is by no means exhaustive.  You can help by adding to the list of notables.  In the meantime, enjoy!

19 November 2022

just ONE vote...


Southington, CT

Just one vote.

No, it wasn't in far-off Nome, Alaska.  Nor was in a large state such as New York, California, or Florida.  It was just one town away, in Southington.  When we imagine small states such as Connecticut, we think erroneously of uniform legislatures.  True, Connecticut leans Democratic, but Southington doesn't fit this profile.  In fact, Southington has had some true knuckle-draggers.  

But not this time.

If one or two voters had stayed home this would be a different story.  What I'm saying to you is vote.  From President down to dog-catcher. I'm not saying this will an ironclad guarantee.  But you never know...

24 June 2021

California - HRC Mourns Poe Black, Transgender Man Killed in California

Madeleine Roberts


Niland, CA

please press:

ezs note:  Niland/Imperial County - Granted, the time is a little dated, but if the police haven't found Poe Black's killer yet, it would be a real help to call them at 442-265-2052.  Thanks.