Showing posts with label Maryland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maryland. Show all posts

17 December 2024

Maryland - Carroll County’s transgender policies clash with Maryland Department of Education guidelines

Daralee Balachandar, Shaela Foster, Dylan Jaffe

Westminster, MD (Carroll County seat)

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ezs note:  The great majority of Marylanders are thoughtful, intelligent people.  They have nothing but the best intentions for their child.  But the minority does nothing but pop out babies and damn the consequences.  Ideally, the state should provide an alternative for the child.  It's only right!  

08 March 2024

Maryland - Md. Senate passes transgender sanctuary bill


Washington Blade

Annapolis, MD

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Maryland residents - If you are one of the unfortunate people whose Senator voted against this good bill, be sure to use your vote to kick em' out:

Stephen S. Hershey Jr. (D36)
Justin Ready (D5)
Jack Bailey (D29)
Mary Beth Carozza (D38)
Paul D. Corderman (D2)
William G. Folden (D4)
Jason Gallion (D35)
J. B. Jennings (D7)
Johnny Mautz (D37)
Mike McKay (D1)
Johnny Ray Saling (D7)
Bryan W. Simomaire (D31)
Chris West (D42)

21 October 2023

Justin Vivian Bond (Wikipedia)


Justin Vivian Bond

please press:  Justin Vivian Bond

ezs note:  If you have a notable transgender person who is not listed, please don't hesitate to bring it to Wikipedia's attention!

Leave a comment!

16 May 2023

Adrienne Rich (Wikipedia)


Adrienne Rich (1929 - 2012)

please press:  Adrienne Rich

ezs note:  This is a new piece, borrowing Wikipedia's list of anniversaries of LGBT+ and advocates.   This is a wide list, but it is by no means exhaustive.  You can help by adding to the list of notables.  In the meantime, enjoy!

17 August 2021

Maryland - Man Accused of Killing Transgender Woman in Maryland

Gina Cook

4 Washington

Suitland, MD

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ezs note:  Suitland/metro Washington - although DeAllen Price has been brought into custody, helping further the case would certainly be helpful.  Call 301-516-2512 or 1-866-411-TIPS.  Thanks.

21 July 2021

Maryland - HRC Mourns Taya Ashton, Black Transgender Woman Killed in Maryland

Madeleine Roberts


Suitland, MD

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ezs note:  Attention Suitland/Prince George's County (Maryland) - if you have any information regarding Taya Ashton's murder, please call one of the following:

1-866-411-TIPS (anonymous)