Showing posts with label Norwich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Norwich. Show all posts

13 September 2023

Livin' in Connecticut - Norwich


Norwich, CT

Well, this is a change of pace.  I'm not forgoing the trains; they are still an important piece.  But  I found out that Gov. J. B. Pritzker of Illinois stopped the "shielding" of various libraries.  Now, when we think of libraries, we don't automatically think of items of great importance.  But think of it - whether from Chicago or Prairie du Rocher, Illinoisans have an equal chance of information - including transgender folks.    And it's free!  Now from Bridgeport to Bridgewater, we have a chance to do the same.  If you live in Connecticut, urge your legislators to do likewise.  If you live outside of Connecticut, but have friends from Connecticut, urge them to join this fight.  Thanks.

Norwich legislators

Norwich rep (HD 139):  Kevin Ryan  

Norwich rep (HD 47):  Doug Dubitsky

Norwich rep (HD 46):  Derell Wilson

Norwich sen:  Cathy Osten

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26 September 2020

An open letter to State Senator Derek Slap and State House of Representatives Jillian Gilchrest


nation of Connecticut (if the worst happens)


I am writing to you about a subject I would never have dreamed of. However, Donald Trump currently is our President.

Let us examine the upcoming 2020 race. More and more, Trump is not planning on winning the popular vote. He is not even planning on winning the Electoral College. Rather, he plans on winning by fiat and baldfaced lying.

It is late September, and much remains to occur. However, experience tells us that Trump consistently lies, in matters both small and large. If the worst happens, can we honestly give this cretin a pass? For me, the answer is clearly NO.

Once again, if the worst happens, I urge you to separate Connecticut from the rest of the states. I hope that, in time, the rest of the New England states will do likewise.
I hope that this never happens, and the United States will steer a just, more equitable course.
Sadly, Trump will not allow this to happen.
Emily Shorette

26 December 2016