Showing posts with label North Dakota. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North Dakota. Show all posts

16 May 2023

Human Rights Campaign discusses anti-transgender legislation across country

Claire Peterson

Missoula, MT

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ezs note:  Whether you are from Montana, Tennessee, Kansas or North Dakota - to name just a few - you can make a difference.  It ain't easy.  You'll spend hours campaigning with no guarantees.  But if you make it, you'll make a real difference.

18 February 2023

Anti-Transgender Bills Were Being Pushed in These Five States This Week

James Bickerton


Topeka, KS

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ezs note:  If you live in any of the five states listed below, please call your state Representative and state Senator and urge them to vote against the bill:

  • South Dakota
  • North Dakota
  • Kentucky
  • Kansas
  • Missouri

16 November 2019

North Dakota - ND takes new approach to behavioral health

Minot Daily News
Jill Schramm

Bismarck, SD

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ezs note: It's down a bit, but the seminar does contain a seminar on transgender issues.  If you live in south-central North Dakota (Bismarck), it might be wise to show up.