Welcome to Emily's virtual rocket!
This is a news blog which specifically lets you know what is going on in the transgender world.
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If you like this blog, tell your friends about emilysvirtualrocket.blogspot.com!25 June 2024
Congratulations to the Florida Panthers - and their head coach, Paul Maurice!
21 June 2024
national/world - Transgender woman refused leg wax by Windsor, Ont., salon awarded $35K by human rights tribunal
25 November 2023
Court victory for teacher silenced for transgender-book criticism
31 October 2023
Harrison Browne (Wikipedia)
ezs note: If you have a notable transgender person who is not listed, please don't hesitate to bring it to Wikipedia's attention!
Leave a comment!
21 September 2023
21 May 2023
Kathleen Wynne (Wikipedia)
08 May 2023
Jessica Platt (Wikipedia)
Jessica Platt
Credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Jessica_Platt_Toronto_Dream_Gap_Tour_Cropped.jpg
please press: Jessica Platt
ezs note: This is a new piece, borrowing Wikipedia's list of anniversaries of LGBT+ notables. This is a wide list, but it is by no means exhaustive. You can help by adding to the list of notables. In the meantime, enjoy!
15 March 2017
Feminism, family values at UN women's meeting (Canada)
06 March 2017
Hamilton city councillors approve a new transgender rights protocol (Canada)
26 February 2017
This transgender teen just found hope from his biggest sporting hero
Gay Star News
01 February 2017
Transgender Toronto actress set to take on Trump’s U.S. (Canada)
26 January 2017
New legislation in Canada is seeking to protect the transgender community
15 January 2017
The latest reads feature LGBTQ lives (Canada)
The Star
12 January 2017
Justin Trudeau has promised to house trans inmates based on gender identity (UK)
Pink News
31 December 2016
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
14 December 2016
LifesiteNews polemicist confuses gender identity with sexual orientation
The Slowly Boiled Frog
02 December 2016
Respecting the pronoun means respecting the person (Canada)
The Varsity
13 November 2016
Orillia doctor embraces new life as a woman (Canada)
25 October 2016
Education key for transgender acceptance, say advocates (Canada)
CBC News
18 September 2016
Trans teen finds 'family' in football team (Canada)
The Sachem and Glanbrook Gazette