Showing posts with label month. Show all posts
Showing posts with label month. Show all posts

15 February 2025

national/world - Police find body of transgender man they say was tortured for more than a month

Rich Booth


Canandaigua, NY

please press:

ezs note:  The torture and murder of Sam Nordquist is so beyond belief - but it's true.  Normally, I don't like to call for excessive prison time, but in this case, they so RICHLY deserve it.  Lock em' up and throw away the key!!!

04 June 2019

23 November 2016

25 September 2016

26 September 2014

Suicide Prevention Month: Because One Life Lost Is Too Many

Nathan M. Schaefer

to read more, go to:

ezs note:  I know that things really suck sometimes - - but there really  is help!!  Look for a competent psychologist or psychiatrist.

26 March 2011

Month of LGBT comics - Brood

(more on blue/above)
ezs note:  Yeah, this strays a wee bit from transgender work... but this is
funny!  Enjoy.

19 October 2010

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

GMDVP hosts annual Halloween event to shed light on domestic abuse in the LGBT community.  (more above)