Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

01 July 2014

Why I'm not voting for Dannel Malloy - and why I don't think you should either

Two words - Jane Doe.

When I voted in 2010, let me say up front that Dannel Malloy was not my first choice.  However, he seemed like a decent enough guy, so I voted for him anyway.  Over the years, I had my occasional pet peeves with him - but then again, who doesn't?  I voted for Barack  Obama twice, yet on occasion he'll do something that I regard as boneheaded.  I like what the late Ed Koch had to say on the subject:  "If you agree with me on nine out of twelve issues, vote for me.  If you agree with me on twelve out of twelve issues, see a psychiatrist."

Yes, there are blunders.  But then there are mind-numbing, jaw-dropping, super-blunders.  And these deserve our immediate attention.

For those of you not in the know, Jane Doe (not her real name since Jane is underage) is a transgender teenage female.  Simply put, her life has been crap.  Not "my daddy won't let me shop at Izod" type of crap.  I'm talking Mommy shooting heroin type of crap.  You get the picture.

She winds up going from place to place once her mother is found unfit, until she is found to be a "problem child" (!) So they do what any responsible caregiver would do.  They haul her ass to prison.  She didn't have to commit any prisonable offense.  Being "bitchy" is good enough for them, thank you.

She stayed in prison for three months. 

What, you say, is their problem? Didn't anybody shout from the rooftops?

Oh, yes, people knew.  Dannel Malloy knew.  Joette Katz (director of Department of Children and Families) knew.  They just didn't say anything.

While Jane Doe sat in prison, Malloy and Katz dithered.  Ultimately Jane Doe was released, but not until a horrific experience.

Malloy would have us believe that the system worked.  I'm sorry, governor, but it didn't.  The Orwellian system hasn't changed a bit.  Joette Katz works breezily along, destroying children and families as she goes.
You see, this isn't a transgender issue.  This isn't an LGBT issue.  This is an issue for every troubled child who is unsure where she or he will wind up.  In short, you aren't doing your job.

And that is why I won't be voting for you, Governor Malloy.

20 January 2013

Inauguration Day 2013


Today is, officially, Inauguration Day.  Barack Obama has taken the oath of office for the second time.  

Over the past four years, we have come to see how 435 House members and 100 Senators would react to Mr. Obama's presidency, particularly the Republicans.  There are those who, to their credit, put politics aside (at least for the moment) and worked with the President to stem Hurricane Sandy's fury.  Chris Christie tore into John Boehner when he thought it nifty to put the wreckage on the back burner.  Rep. King(R-NY) thought it ludicrous to float such an idea, never mind post it as official policy.  

Here's where our problem lies, though:  the nutburgers make up a sizable minority and they do tend to yelp the loudest.  Rep. Boehner was probably spooked, and gave the Tea Party what they wanted.  Uh, you might mark that as a really bad strategy, Mr. Speaker.  Yet it's somewhat understandable when the far-right members pull out the long knives when you and Mr. Obama do something horrendous like, say, talk to one another.

Further evidence:  in case you haven't noticed, there was a perfect gem of an asshole named Steve Stockman (R-TX).  Quick quiz:  What other leader has been compared to Barack Obama?  If you haven't run across on the Internet already,  no peeking now.  Cmom, take a guess.

Answer:  Saddam Hussein.

Yeah, you guessed it.  According to Stockman's warped little brain, Saddam and Barack were just the best of pals, plotting the takeover of the world over virgin Mai-Tais. This is the example given to us by intrepid ol' Steve.  

So you are asking what Congress can do to right itself, and have all three bodies behave in a civil manner. What to do, you say.

The answer: you can, with an e-letter.  They hear  various yahoos saying "This is my country!"  We often forget one very vital fact, though.

This is our country, too.

I'll repeat that:  this is our country too, dammit!

We have the right to full, equitable rights for LGBT people. 

We have the right to drop our kids off at school without them being shot to pieces. 

And we have the right to civil, respectful debate, not the kind done by Steve Stockman and his band of idiots.

Please, please write an e-mail to your representatives.  This is so important.  You can look up who your representative is below.

19 December 2012

VIEWPOINT: America the senseless - Sarah Toce -

*more here*

ezs note:  This may seem a bit off-topic, but please take the time to read it.  If you are so moved, go to, enter your ZIP code, and tell your legislator that you are for sensible gun control.  Thank you.