Showing posts with label push. Show all posts
Showing posts with label push. Show all posts

28 April 2024

15 October 2019

Donald Trump - Trump’s Efforts to Push Ukraine Toward a Biden Inquiry: A Timeline

Weiyi Cai, K.K. Rebecca Lai, Alicia Parlapiano, Jugal K. Patel, Kenneth P. Vogel (and others)
The New York Times

imPEACHment (get it?  Oh, never mind...)

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ezs note:  Are all the President's machinations a bit dizzying?  The timeline may be helpful.  The hotlinks are especially informative.

12 March 2019

civil rights - Push for broader LGBT rights slowed by lack of GOP support

David Crary
Daily Freeman

Boonville, NC


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ezs note:  If you live in an area where the Congressperson or either one of the Senators is a Republican, all is not lost.  Remember, s/he represents you.  Write a letter or e-letter and in a polite yet firm missive, let your concerns be heard.

15 December 2018

Donald Trump - Trump push to deport Vietnam War refugees scalds California GOP

Jeremy B. White

ezs note:  First they came for...


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17 September 2018

China - Thousands of Chinese activists renew push for same-sex marriage


Beijing, China

Credit:  ttps://

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Thousands of Chinese activists renew push for same-sex marriage

Thousands of Chinese activists renew push for same-sex marriage

28 August 2018

civil rights - Leslie Rutledge joins push to allow firing transgender people UPDATE

Max Brantley
Arkansas Times

Batesville, AR


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ezs note: Arkansas residents - whether you live in a small town or a large city, it's almost Labor Day.  And it's also time to volunteer against Leslie Rutledge having another term as Attorney General.

28 December 2017

Cambodia - Push for LGBT rights

Pech Sotheary
Khmer Times


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