Welcome to Emily's virtual rocket!
This is a news blog which specifically lets you know what is going on in the transgender world.
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If you like this blog, tell your friends about emilysvirtualrocket.blogspot.com!05 February 2025
Connecticut, support SJ 35!!!
29 June 2023
Livin' in Connecticut - Durham
If you live outside of Connecticut, but have a friend who lives there, please tell them. Once again, thanks.
Durham legislators
Durham rep (HD 86): Vincent Candelora
Durham rep (HD 101): John-Michael Parker
Durham sen (SD 12): Christine Cohen
Durham sen (SD 34): Paul Cicarella
For other cities or towns, go to https://www2.cbia.com/ga/get_involved/contact_ct_legislators/-A1 and click "Enter Town Name"
02 May 2023
Livin' in Connecticut!
If you live outside of Connecticut, but have a friend who lives there, please tell them. Once again, thanks.
02 August 2022
Transgender woman says she's not allowed to work at Durham Catholic school
02 July 2022
Educator says she lost job at Durham Catholic school because she’s transgender
12 August 2021
archive - Papers of Pauli Murray** - Aug 1992
To view 'Papers of Pauli Murray', go
Remember Ruth Bader Ginsberg? Well, Pauli Murray might not be as well known, but she was as much a heavyweight for transgender people across the United States.
If you have pamphlets, magazines, zines, posters, scrapbooks, paintings, sculptures, art printings, comix or newspaper clippings and wish to download them to a reputable organization, please see digitaltransgenderarchive.net.
20 July 2021
North Carolina - 'I am who I want to be': North Carolina transgender teen finds herself during COVID-19 pandemic
20 September 2017
LaVare’s House Is a Much-Needed Durham Haven for LGBTQIA People in Addiction Recovery
Indy Week (NC)
28 April 2017
Durham girl, 12, describes growing up transgender
23 March 2017
Transgender College Freshmen Drink and Black Out More Than Other Students
25 February 2017
Understanding Transgender Access Laws
The New York Times
31 December 2016
N.C Judge Temporarily Blocks GOP Power Grab
Courthouse News Service
21 December 2016
This holiday season, fight fear with facts – Mike Meno
The News & Observer
13 July 2016
Duke opponent cancels game over North Carolina's transgender bathroom law
CBS Sports
20 January 2016
Durham asked to support transgender rights
26 December 2014
24 September 2014
‘Queering Duke History’ exhibit grand opening slated for Thursday
to read more, go to: http://www.heraldsun.com/news/localnews/x711471881/-Queering-Duke-History-exhibit-grand-opening-slated-for-today
02 February 2013
Oklahoma... Koca, Bartin, Turkey... Pleasantville, New Jersey... Durham, England, UK... Mount Vernon, New York... Boise, Idaho... Bolton, England, UK... Concord, North Carolina... Lake Saint
Louis, Missouri... Willimantic, Connecticut... Elkton, Virginia... Plattsburgh, New York... Seattle, Washington... Renton, Washington... Kansas City, Missouri... Buffalo Grove, Illinois...
Ithaca, New York... New Baltimore, Michigan... Groningen, Netherlands... Atlanta, Georgia... Berlin, Germany... Watford, Hertford, England, UK... Isesaki, Gumma, Japan... Fairfax,
Virginia...Markham, Ontario, Canada... Las Vegas, Nevada... Pontecagnano, Campania, Italy... Wilmington, California... Paso Robles, California... Greensboro, North Carolina... Dover, New
Hampshire... Exeter, Rhode Island... Burlington, Ontario, Canada...
I don't know how to get groundhogs to see their shadow, but I do know to get them to smile... give to the American Red Cross!