Showing posts with label Indiana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indiana. Show all posts

13 February 2025

Dump Trump!!!


another disaster!

It's only been a  few weeks now, but Trump's got his dirty fingers over everything already.  If you are (or have been) a government employee, YOU may have seen Donald's hands in the cookie jar.  Go to , or, then go to SecureDrop, and follow the instructions.  I can't absolutely guarantee your privacy, or but the Tor network is damn good.  There are two avenues:  1) AP  or 2) The Guardian.  Good luck.

If you aren't a government employee, but you know someone who is, gently nudge him/her to do the right thing.  Don't worry if she/he initially says no.  Trump'll do something to screw up, and you will have done something to plant a seed.

If neither of these is true, you can still advance this cause.  If you have a Republican or squishy Democrat as your member of Congress, get on the phone and tell them you won't put up with this BS any more.  Tell them that you SUPPORT transgender people. Period.

12 August 2024

Indiana - Conservative foundation backs Brownsburg teacher in transgender pronoun case


Inside Indiana Business

Brownsburg, IN

ezs note: If you are a parent or a teenager who lives in Brownsville, Indiana, please contact the school board's attorney to see if testifying will help.  With luck, the case will be tossed out on its ear.  Thanks.

28 February 2024

09 June 2023

Cole Porter (Wikipedia)


Cole Porter (1891 - 1964)

please press:  Cole Porter

ezs note:  This is a new piece, borrowing Wikipedia's list of anniversaries of LGBT+ and advocates.   This is a wide list, but it is by no means exhaustive.  You can help by adding to the list of notables.  In the meantime, enjoy!

05 May 2023

Indiana school pronoun bill signed into law amid worries it'll 'out' transgender kids

Cate Charron


Indianapolis, IN

please press:

ezs note:  Indiana residents - no doubt, this is bad.  But you can do your part if your state Representative or state Senator voted 'yes' for this idiocy.  As soon as you can, start organizing for his/her opponent.  If there is no candidate, put YOUR name out there.  Today, if possible.

08 January 2022

lead story - At least 7 states proposed anti-trans bills in first week of 2022

Matt Lavietes

NBC News

Scottsdale, AZ
(one of seven states)

please press:

ezs note: If you live in any one of the seven states, please call your state representative AND state senator and tell them to vote NO on these odious bills.  Thanks.

08 August 2021

Indiana/Idaho - Idaho State researcher helps to solve cold case in Indiana


Jasper County, IN (Rensselaer)

please press:

ezs note:  Jasper County (IN) - granted, this is a long shot (well, a real long shot) but if you have any information regarding John Doe's (sic) murder and/or identity, please call Andy Boersma at the Jasper County Coroner's Office at 219-956-2220 or 219-863-3560.  Thanks.