Showing posts with label Lebanon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lebanon. Show all posts

27 December 2024

call/email Gov. Ned Lamont!


Gov. Ned Lamont (D-CT)


ezs note:  If you live in Connecticut, please do as I do, and urge Gov. Lamont that he FORCEFULLY refute Trump's idiocy regarding transgender folks.  The State of the State is important, and he needs to swing one out of the park.  Thanks.

08 October 2024

national/world - 3% of U.S. High School Students Identify as Transgender, First National Survey Finds

Dennis Thompson

US News & World Report

Lebanon, CT (r)

please press:

ezs note:  Here in Connecticut, although overall things are better, there are pockets of woe.  If you are a parent, do your best to your Board of Ed meeting and SPEAK.  If they give you a blind eye, do your best to turn them on their ear..

07 August 2023

Livin" in Connecticut - Lebanon


Lebanon, CT

Well, this is a change of pace.  I'm not forgoing the trains; they are still an important piece.  But yesterday I found out that Gov. J. B. Pritzker of Illinois stopped the "shielding" of various libraries.  Now, when we think of libraries, we don't automatically think of items of great importance.  But think of it - whether from Chicago or Prairie du Rocher, Illinoisans have an equal chance of information - including transgender folks.    And it's free!  Now from Bridgeport to Bridgewater, we have a chance to do the same.  If you live in Connecticut, urge your legislators to do likewise.  If you live outside of Connecticut, but have friends from Connecticut, urge them to join this fight.  Thanks.

Lebanon legislators

(computer disabled)

01 October 2018

Lebanon - Lebanon: Time to savor success, then face new challenges

Erasing 76 Crimes



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11 July 2018

lead story - Judge Denies Parents’ Attempt To Change Transgender Child’s Name

CBS Sacramento

Warren (OH) County Courthouse


please press: 

30 May 2016

Lebanon schools: No transgender changes planned

David Patton
Lebanon Express
