Showing posts with label finds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label finds. Show all posts

08 October 2024

national/world - 3% of U.S. High School Students Identify as Transgender, First National Survey Finds

Dennis Thompson

US News & World Report

Lebanon, CT (r)

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ezs note:  Here in Connecticut, although overall things are better, there are pockets of woe.  If you are a parent, do your best to your Board of Ed meeting and SPEAK.  If they give you a blind eye, do your best to turn them on their ear..

22 October 2023

Va. voters focused on education, but less on trans students, poll finds

Karina Elwood, Scott Clement, Emily Guskin

The Washington Post

Virginia Beach, VA

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ezs note:  Education is more important than worrying about trans students.  Imagine that.

23 April 2019

lead story - Transgender adults have higher risk of poor health, U.S. study finds


Yamai no soshi, late 12th cent.
(author unknown)

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ezs note:  Yeah, I know.  Life sucks, but it doubly sucks when you're transgender.  Whether you've got anorexia (low fat), bulimia (overweight), smoke cigarettes, or use other harmful drugs (legal or illegal), they can seem calming.  I know firsthand.  I'm dangerously overweight - but today I'm determined to lose weight. I've gone to Weight Watchers.  I'm not trying to tout them, but please use a program that is safe and effective.  Whatever difficulties you face, I wish you the best. 

19 January 2019

12 January 2019