Showing posts with label Springfield. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Springfield. Show all posts

12 October 2018

Missouri - ACLU hosts rally to support Springfield's transgender community

Alissa Zhu
Springfield News-Leader

Springfield, MO


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12 September 2018

lead story - Springfield transgender woman speaks out about knife attack from man she met on dating app

Gregory J. Holman
Springfield News-Leader

Springfield, MO


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03 August 2018

Springfield, Missouri

estimated transgender population:  971*
(rounded up)

Springfield, MO


ezs note:  Horace Duncan.  Fred Coker.  Will Allen.   Three African-Americans who were taken from their homes and lynched.  Springfield, Missouri did what was right and put up a plaque commemorating this ugly event - but it's only worth it if you take the children to the square and let them know what happened there.

31 December 2017

Illinois law bars 'gay panic' defense

Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Illinois State Capitol (Springfield, IL)


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