Showing posts with label gender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gender. Show all posts

20 February 2014

For Transgender People, a Good Doctor is Hard to Find

 Allison Bond

*more here

ezs note: When seeing a doctor for the first time, don't be afraid to ask.  Like what school she/he went to.  Like how much coursework in transgender medicine was given as part of overall medicine.  If you don't ask, you are at their mercy!

25 August 2013

Susan Estrich: Delusions of Gender Aside, Bradley Manning Is a Criminal

Susan Estrich

*more here*

ezs note:  This was a toughie.  On the one hand, it's good to see Chelsea get at least some medical help.  On the other hand, it's kind of strange to give Chelsea full operative care in prison (free!) while other law-abiding citizens have to cough up 20 to 50 thousand bucks out of prison.  (I know this has to work its way through the courts, but still...)

Then there is the penal system.  I do believe that Chelsea must spend some time in prison, but 35 years is really too much.  There is a difference between Cuba or al-Qaida as opposed to Wikileaks.  It's high time that the government separated the two.

I chose Susan Estrich not because she's a conservative, but because she's a liberal, and her reasons are compelling.  And what about my opinion?  Hell, damned if I know...

27 May 2013

Tell Legislators To Support Gender Non-Discrimination

Helen Walther

ezs note:  If you live in New York, particularly in Jamestown or the surrounding area, please tell them you are for GENDA (Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act).  And to Helen, thank you!  I appreciate it!

22 August 2012

Gender non-conforming person murdered in Cincinnati - (news release) -

*more here*

ezs note:  The name of the person who was murdered  was Kendall L. Hampton of Cincinnati.  If you live in or travel through the city, and have information that police need to make an arrest, please call them immediately!  

The following cities or towns have also experienced murders of transgender people in the past year:  Washington, DC; Miami, Florida; Riviera Beach, Florida; Detroit, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois(2); Oakland, California and Baltimore, Maryland.

Please help putting these vermin in jail!!!