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This is a news blog which specifically lets you know what is going on in the transgender world.
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If you like this blog, tell your friends about emilysvirtualrocket.blogspot.com!12 August 2024
Michael Cohen on JD Vance’s BIGGEST SECRET going VIRAL (video)
30 August 2023
Livin' in Connecticut - New Haven
New Haven, CT
Credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/98/Front_Street_in_New_Haven_CT.jpg
Well, this is a change of pace. I'm not forgoing the trains; they are still an important piece. But I found out that Gov. J. B. Pritzker of Illinois stopped the "shielding" of various libraries. Now, when we think of libraries, we don't automatically think of items of great importance. But think of it - whether from Chicago or Prairie du Rocher, Illinoisans have an equal chance of information - including transgender folks. And it's free! Now from Bridgeport to Bridgewater, we have a chance to do the same. If you live in Connecticut, urge your legislators to do likewise. If you live outside of Connecticut, but have friends from Connecticut, urge them to join this fight. Thanks.
New Haven legislators
New Haven rep (HD 92): Patricia Dillon
New Haven rep (HD 93): Toni Walker
New Haven rep (HD 95): Juan Candelaria
New Haven rep (HD 96): Roland Lemar
New Haven rep (HD 94): Robyn Porter
New Haven rep (HD 97): Al Paolillo Jr.
New Haven rep (HD 116): Trenee McGee
New Haven sen (SD 11): Martin Looney
New Haven sen (SD 10): Gary Winfield
22 July 2023
Emily Saliers (Wikipedia)
31 October 2021
archive - Correspondence from Rupert Raj to Lou Sullivan - Jun 26 1989
To view 'Correspondence from Rupert Raj to Lou Sullivan', go
To find out more about Rupert Raj , press here for Wikipedia.
If you have pamphlets, buttons, magazines, zines, posters, scrapbooks, paintings, sculptures, art printings, comix or newspaper clippings and wish to download them to a reputable organization, please see digitaltransgenderarchive.net.
08 February 2021
lead story - 'Incredible courage': 3 who fought the military transgender ban took stands that opened eyes, shaped lives
13 November 2020
Connecticut - Fed Trans Athletes Fight Officially Over
Emily Hays
New Haven Independent
New Haven, CT
Credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/98/Front_Street_in_New_Haven_CT.jpg
please press: www.newhavenindependent.org
30 January 2019
Connecticut - Leader seeks to end “gay and transgender panic” defense
CT Post
04 January 2019
Connecticut - Discrimination questions add new depth to Wellbeing Survey
CT Post
08 April 2017
Hannah Is a Girl. Doctors Finally Treat Her Like One.
The New York Times
24 March 2017
Conservative, ‘transphobic’ groups plan to visit New Haven this weekend
New Haven Register
13 February 2017
Commentary: Rejecting fear as a transgender woman
Chicago Tribune
21 March 2015
New Haven pastor: Presbyterian Church vote to allow same-sex marriage a win for equality
New Haven Register
10 December 2013
Just like me.
Tell your Congressperson that there are people who are transgender people of all ages, all races, and all abilities. Tell them that they are just as deserving of police protection as anyone else. And if, god forbid, a transgender person is murdered, they deserve a thorough investigation into their murder.
We deserve nothing less. We are human beings.
New Haven, Connecticut Rosa DeLauro (D) CT3
Wilmington, North Carolina Walter Jones (R) NC3
Birmingham, Michigan Kerry Bentivolio (R) MI11
Bushkill, Pennsylvania Tom Marino(R) PA10
Eastchester, New York Eliot Engel (D) NY16
Owings Mills, Maryland C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D) MD2
North Port, Florida Vern Buchanan (R) FL16
Hendersonville, North Carolina Mark Meadows (R) NC11
Kennesaw, Georgia Phil Gingrey (R) GA11
Denver, Colorado Diana DeGette (D) CO1
The towns and cities listed above are randomly listed through the Internet. If you live in - not near - one of the towns or cities listed, simply place the cursor over the name of the Congressperson, click it, and you will be transported to the Congressperson's blog. For any other location, go to www.house.gov, enter the ZIP code, and you will be shown who the Congressperson you should be in touch with. For more than one Congressperson, enter ZIP+4. (example: 12345-6789) You can check the last 4 digits on virtually any mail you receive.