Jaxon White
Lancaster Online
Welcome to Emily's virtual rocket!
This is a news blog which specifically lets you know what is going on in the transgender world.
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Jaxon White
Lancaster Online
Zack Hoopes
please press: pennlive.com
ezs note: Pennsylvanians - If one of your goofy state Senators even thinks of passing one of these bills, tell em' to either rescind the bill, or prepare to mount a snowstorm.
Serena Lin
Mother Jones
please press: motherjones.com
Michael K. Lavers
Washington Blade
Mark Scolforo
NBC News
ezs note: Well, there's a word that I haven't used very often: 'nonissue'. Perfect.
Ryan Adamczeski
Daniel Payne
"Dr" Stanley Goldfarb
Credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c9/600th_Bombardment_Squadron_-_Emblem.png
please press: www.politico.com
ezs note: If it quacks like a duck...
Nicole Chavez