Showing posts with label administration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label administration. Show all posts

18 November 2018

civil rights - EXCLUSIVE: How Trump administration pressure to dump 4-H's LGBT policy led to Iowa leader's firing

Courtney Crowder, Jason Clayworth
Des Moines Register

4-H girl and her bunny


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09 November 2018

Michigan - LGBT+ students at WMU react to potential Trump administration policy

Bianca Buchholtz
Western Herald

Western Michigan University


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03 November 2018

26 October 2018

civil rights - Administration opposes transgender civil rights shield

Lyle Denniston
Constitution Center

Oh, isn't it quaint.  Let's chuck it.


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16 January 2018

08 January 2018

El Salvador - Trump Administration Issues Sadistic Order Targeting 200,000 Salvadorans

Gabe Ortiz


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ezs note:  Ah, yes, Donald Dumbass is at it again.  Now he wants to deport 200,000 Salvadorans, which, incidentally, (or not...) has the highest has the highest number of transgender people fleeing this repressive regime. Please, call and urge him to do what your Representative can do to halt President Dumbass in his tracks.  Thanks.