Showing posts with label police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label police. Show all posts

10 November 2011

Police: Mother identifies body as missing transgender teen (

*more above*

ezs note:  I know it will give little comfort to a grieving mother, but if you have any information about who killed Shellie Hillard, please call the Detroit police now!!

09 September 2011

Police figures show rise in recorded anti-gay and transphobic crimes (

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ezs comment:  One thing raised my attention:  According to UK police, among transgender people, crime rose fourteen percent.  To those of you who who are fearful, I do understand.  But those who go unreported, this only means that these trolls go with impunity.  Don't let this happen!!! 

10 August 2011

Santa Ana transgenders speak out on police treatment (voiceofoc)

(more above)

ezs note:  There are a few police persons who treat victims rudely, unfortunately.   In this case, complain to the chief of police, or failing this, to a newspaper/newsblog.  The police will get all antsy over this, but, well, good.  Maybe they'll start doing their job for a change.