Showing posts with label talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label talk. Show all posts

20 December 2024

What Can We Talk To MAGA Christians About? (video)


ezs note:  I ran across Rev. Ed Trevors, who gave me a breath of fresh air.  Unfortunately, most of what passes off as 'Christianity' is pure BS. Fortunately, though, Ed saves the day. I may not see every line from side to side (he is a [real] Christian, I am a Baha'i), but, geez, this guy is good. I'll do my bit to promote him. 

By the way, if you're free, Ed broadcasts live on 1) most Saturday nights at 7:30 pm and 2) most Wednesday afternoons at 12:00 pm (Eastern time). (other time zones will vary) If you click on in the times indicated. you'll see a little bloggette in the upper corner indicating "Church Without Walls" and today's date.  Click in this area, and with luck, you'll be in!  The correct address will be:

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22 August 2018

Australia - UWA cancels talk by transgender sceptic Quentin Van Meter after protests

James Carmody
ABC (Australia)

University of Western Australia (Perth)


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15 January 2018

Democratic candidates for Montana's U.S. House seat talk health care, other issues in Helena

Holly K. Michels
Independent Record


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ezs note:  Montana residents - it may seem small, but your vote is just as important as any other - no more, no less.  Please remember to vote, and if you haven't registered yet, please do so NOW.  

28 February 2017

We All Talk Like Donald Trump Now

Katy Waldman


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07 April 2016

Brief face-to-face talk can shift anti-transgender attitudes



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ezs note: Did y'all catch that?  You don't need a hard sell, or a point-by-point lecture.  You just need to be a friend!  Democrat, Republican, Green, Independent - it doesn't matter.  As your neighborhood grows tighter, the people grow happier.  Isn't that terrific?

27 April 2015

Two transgender women talk about transition, stigma

Melissa Swan



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