Showing posts with label transgender students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transgender students. Show all posts

28 January 2016

School board listens to transgender students

Melissa Hale-Spencer
The Altamont Enterprise


ACLU of Tenn.: Transgender students have legal right to restroom access



please press:

ezs note:  To read the full ACLU letter, click the line at the bottom of the body.

WEST WINDSOR-PLAINSBORO: School board adopts new policy for transgender students

Lea Kahn


15 January 2016

Policy aims to help transgender students at PHS

Jeff McMenemy


10 January 2016

Legislative Issues Set To Include Abortion, Ethics And Hemp



please press:

ezs note:  South Dakotans - It's listed about halfway down, but moronic legislators are trying to force transgender students to use their biological bathroom in school, no matter how uncomfortable it makes them.  Tell your legislators to say NO to this idiotic bill.  Oh, and turn Reps. Fred Deutsch and Jim Bolin out on their ear in November!

31 December 2015

Missouri bill would restrict locker room use by transgender students

Durrie Bouscaren
St. Louis Public Radio


ezs note:  If you are from Missouri, please contact your legislator and tell him/her to vote NO to this idiotic bill.  Thanks. 

19 December 2015

Albany County school district drafts policies for transgender students

The Republic


09 December 2015

A Portland University Wants Federal Permission to Ban Transgender Students

Dirk VanderHart
The Portland Mercury


ezs note:  Wow... how interesting.  I have no qualms with private colleges or universities instituting some strange and/or appalling codes...  but that's only if their funding remains totally private!  Note that the article said that Multnomah University accepted 1.1 million in federal funds!  Now, that's a different kettle of fish.  I do think that federal monies are a valuable resource, but if their hand remains out, certain standards have to be met.  Please urge your Congressperson if any money is to be doled out to a private institution, transgender people have to be welcomed.  (Thanks to Mr. VanderHart for your diligence.)

24 October 2015

Education needed on inclusion of transgender students

Margeaux Mutz
Tallahassee Democrat

Margeaux Mutz
