Showing posts with label charge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charge. Show all posts

09 March 2025

national/world - Texas bill could charge transgender people with ‘gender identity fraud’, if passed

Cora Neas


Houston, TX

please press:

ezs note:  Tom Oliverson - yeah, church had nothing to do with it.  It's more like crack.  Houstonians, if you live where Oliverson lives, send him back to being a proctologist, or whatever the hell he is.

27 July 2015

Oregon Sen. Leads Charge for LGBT Civil Rights

Karina Brown
Courthouse News Service

Jeff Merkeley


13 April 2014

15 November 2013

Gay Ugandan Activists Arrested, Detained Without Charge


*more here*

ezs note: Mr. Samuel K. Ganafa is being held without charge by the Ugandan government.  This is an outrage, and it must be stopped NOW.  Please e-mail the Ugandan embassy, and let them know Mr. Ganafa must be released immediately.  Furthermore, Mr. Ganafa's property must not be touched unless there is solid evidence of a crime having been committed there.  Thanks.