Showing posts with label school district. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school district. Show all posts

29 July 2024

Maine - Maine school district will vote on whether to restore transgender protections

Jules Walkup

Bangor Daily News

 Warren, ME

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ezs note:  Maine residents of Warren, Union, Friendship, Washington and Waldoboro - if you have any opportunity to attend the meeting, go and speak your mind!  They don't have to vote with you, but they DO have to listen to you.

11 August 2023

Murrieta school district approves policy to inform parents if their child identifies as transgender

Tony Kurzweil


Murietta, CA

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ezs note:  This is dear to my heart, since Murietta is part of my world map.  If you're really pissed, maybe YOU should be part of the next school board.  The address is at 1 Town Square.  IF YOU'RE PISSED, DO SOMETHING!

Leave a comment!

13 June 2023

A North Carolina school district told educators to ‘out’ trans students. Can they refuse?

Patrick Wall

USA Today

Carthage, NC (Moore county seat)

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ezs note:  North Carolinians (and other conservative states) - one way you can change things is to VOTE. Every election.  From President down to dog catcher.  Another way is to present another view.  Let's say your parents are conservative Christians.  Well, there is another side.  If you haven't checked it out yet, I suggest that you try Ed Trevors.  He's an Anglican priest who is unabashedly Christian and unabashedly accepting.  Either tell them about him,  or surreptitiously 😅 slip it into their computer.  

09 December 2021

Oxford shooting - Family of student shot in Oxford High School attack files lawsuit against school district and employees

Eric Levenson


SIG Sauer SP (used in school shooting)

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ezs note:  Mr. and Ms. Franz - could I make a suggestion?  Rather than suing Oxford schools, hit the place where it would really hurt - the American division of Swiss Arms.  And don't make it a measly $100 million - make it a $100 billion.  Just a thought.

14 August 2018

civil rights - After Facebook posts threaten 12-year-old transgender girl, Oklahoma school district cancels classes

Grand Forks Herald

Achille, OK


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ezs note:  Although this was entered two days ago, the Washington Post article (picked up by the Grand Forks Herald) is much more complete.

02 June 2018

civil rights - Virginia school district vows to fight on despite losing transgender bathroom ruling

Casey Quinlan

Or the Board of Education.  Take your pick.


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