Showing posts with label Transgender Issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transgender Issues. Show all posts

23 September 2021

06 December 2020

lead story - Keira Bell lawyer warns on internet coverage of transgender issues

Jamie Doward

The Guardian

London UK

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ezs note:  While I cannot speak for all the blogs out there, I do pride myself in going for the thoughtful ones and printing them in Emily's Virtual  Rocket.  If you are seriously considering changing your gender (either cosmetically or surgically)  please find a good psychologist.  The ones to avoid, however, are "reparative therapy specialists"  These are quacks.

06 February 2020

civil rights - Divisive comments on transgender issues lead School Board to rethink public comment policy

Jonathan Simmons

Palm Coast, FL

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ezs note:  Palm Coasters - When the next meeting is held, be sure to show up.  And politely have your voices heard, especially if Ms. Cochran spews her gunk.

23 January 2020

Vatican City/US - Pope Francis speaks with U.S. bishops on pro-life and transgender issues


Vatican City

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ezs note:  Oh, Francis.  We must talk.  When Archbishop Carlson was asked about transgender issues, this is what he said:

Asked whether the pope then gave the bishops any advice on how to handle the transgender debate, Archbishop Carlson said the pope touched on the way proponents believe people are "all one and that there's no difference, which would fly in the face of what (St.) John Paul II talked about on complementarity and it would fly in the face of the dignity of the woman and the dignity of the man, that we could just change into whatever we wanted." 

This is akin to casually choosing rice instead of spaghetti in my favorite restaurant,  Ahem... NO, IT'S NOT.  In most states, to have surgery performed, there is a rigorous examination as to whether this person is 'really' transgender.  Am I saying that doctors, psychologists, and surgeons are absolutely perfect?  No, not at all.  But neither are you.

19 January 2019

Maryland - Maryland GOP delegate's aide charged with making illegal robocall against fellow delegate on transgender issues

Luke Broadwater
The Baltimore Sun

Baltimore, MD


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ezs note:  Marylanders - to get more on this story, visit the podcast. (starts at 15:38)

10 November 2018

16 October 2018

lead story - Academics are being harassed over their research into transgender issues

Kathleen Stock (and others)
The Guardian


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ezs note:  Wow... I must say, I'm certainly impressed.  All these PhDs and shit.  Well, let's take a closer look at Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne's body of work:  

...the Global Warming Policy Foundation (a climate skeptic think funded primarily by multiple anonymous donors)

And if we look down the list a bit, we find this esteemed gentleman:

Sian Hindle, Senior Lecturer, School of Jewellery, Birmingham City University
(emphasis mine)

It's breathtaking, really.  He goes straight from making pretty earrings to mulling the nature of transgender persons.


06 October 2018

lead story - Winchester forum discusses transgender issues, urges ‘yes’ vote on Question 3

Mariya Manzhos
Wicked Local Winchester

Winchester, MA


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ezs note:  Massachusetts residents:  Please, please remember to vote YES on Question 3 on Election Day.  And, by the way, are you registered yet?  If not, do it now! 

09 August 2018

lead story - Wilton Community Center hosts talk on transgender issues

Ashley Saari
Monadnock Ledger-Transcript

Wilton, NH


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06 April 2017

Long shadow cast by psychiatrist on transgender issues finally recedes at Johns Hopkins

Amy Ellis Nutt
The Washington Post


ezs note:  Goodbye, Dr. McHugh.  And good riddance to you and your brand of quack psychiatry.